"The betterment of the world," is yet another statement,
"can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable
seemly conduct." "Be fair to yourselves and to others," He thus
counseleth them, "that the evidences of justice may be revealed
through your deeds among Our faithful servants." "Equity," He also has
written, "is the most fundamental among human virtues. The evaluation
of all things must needs depend upon it." And again, "Observe equity in
your judgment, ye men of understanding heart! He that is unjust in
his judgment is destitute of the characteristics that distinguish man's
station." "Beautify your tongues, O people," He further
admonishes them, "with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the
ornament of honesty. Beware, O people, that ye deal not treacherously
with anyone. Be ye the trustees of God amongst His creatures, and the
emblems of His generosity amidst His people." "Let your eye be
chaste," is yet another counsel, "your hand faithful, your tongue
truthful, and your heart enlightened." "Be an ornament to the
countenance of truth," is yet another admonition, "a crown to the brow
of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life
to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary
above the horizon of virtue." "Let truthfulness and courtesy be your
adorning," is still another admonition; "suffer not yourselves to be
deprived of the robe of forbearance and justice, that the sweet savors
of holiness may be wafted from your hearts upon all created things.
Say: Beware, O people of Baha, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose
words differ from their deeds. Strive that ye may be enabled to manifest
to the peoples of the earth the signs of God, and to mirror
forth His commandments. Let your acts be a guide unto all mankind, for
the professions of most men, be they high or low, differ from their
conduct. It is through your deeds that ye can distinguish yourselves
from others. Through them the brightness of your light can be shed
upon the whole earth. Happy is the man that heedeth My counsel, and
keepeth the precepts prescribed by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A rectitude of conduct,
A rectitude of conduct, an abiding sense of undeviating
justice, unobscured by the demoralizing influences which a
corruption-ridden political life so strikingly manifests; a
chaste, pure, and holy life, unsullied and unclouded by the
indecencies, the vices, the false standards, which an inherently
deficient moral code tolerates, perpetuates, and fosters;
a fraternity freed from that cancerous growth of racial
prejudice, which is eating into the vitals of an already debilitated
society—these are the ideals which the American believers
must, from now on, individually and through concerted
action, strive to promote, in both their private and
public lives, ideals which are the chief propelling forces that
can most effectively accelerate the march of their institutions,
plans, and enterprises, that can guard the honor and
integrity of their Faith, and subdue any obstacles that may
confront it in the future.
This rectitude of conduct, with its implications of justice, equity, truthfulness, honesty, fair-mindedness, reliability, and trustworthiness, must distinguish every phase of the life of the Baha'i community. "The companions of God," Baha'u'llah Himself has declared, "are, in this day, the lump that must leaven the peoples of the world. They must show forth such trustworthiness, such truthfulness and perseverance, such deeds and character that all mankind may profit by their example." "I swear by Him Who is the Most Great Ocean!" He again affirms, "Within the very breath of such souls as are pure and sanctified far-reaching potentialities are hidden. So great are these potentialities that they exercise their influence upon all created things." "He is the true servant of God," He, in another passage has written, "who, in this day, were he to pass through cities of silver and gold, would not deign to look upon them, and whose heart would remain pure and undefiled from whatever things can be seen in this world, be they its goods or its treasures. I swear by the Sun of Truth! The breath of such a man is endowed with potency, and his words with attraction."
This rectitude of conduct, with its implications of justice, equity, truthfulness, honesty, fair-mindedness, reliability, and trustworthiness, must distinguish every phase of the life of the Baha'i community. "The companions of God," Baha'u'llah Himself has declared, "are, in this day, the lump that must leaven the peoples of the world. They must show forth such trustworthiness, such truthfulness and perseverance, such deeds and character that all mankind may profit by their example." "I swear by Him Who is the Most Great Ocean!" He again affirms, "Within the very breath of such souls as are pure and sanctified far-reaching potentialities are hidden. So great are these potentialities that they exercise their influence upon all created things." "He is the true servant of God," He, in another passage has written, "who, in this day, were he to pass through cities of silver and gold, would not deign to look upon them, and whose heart would remain pure and undefiled from whatever things can be seen in this world, be they its goods or its treasures. I swear by the Sun of Truth! The breath of such a man is endowed with potency, and his words with attraction."
Friday, August 26, 2011
Words of Wisdom ....
- The source of all good is trust in God, submission unto His command, and contentment with His holy will and pleasure.
- The essence of wisdom is the fear of God, the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree.
- The essence of religion is to testify unto that which the Lord hath revealed, and follow that which He hath ordained in His mighty Book.
- The source of all glory is acceptance of whatsoever the Lord hath bestowed, and contentment with that which God hath ordained.
- The essence of love is for man to turn his heart to the Beloved One, and sever himself from all else but Him, and desire naught save that which is the desire of his Lord.
- The source of courage and power is the promotion of the Word of God, and steadfastness in His Love.
- The essence of faith is fewness of words and abundance of deeds; he whose words exceed his deeds, know verily his death is better than his life.
... trustworthiness, truthfulness, purity of heart
The virtues and attributes pertaining unto God are all evident and
manifest, and have been mentioned and described in all the heavenly
Books. Among them are trustworthiness, truthfulness, purity of heart
while communing with God, forbearance, resignation to whatever the
Almighty hath decreed, contentment with the things His Will hath
provided, patience, nay, thankfulness in the midst of tribulation, and
complete reliance, in all circumstances, upon Him. These rank,
according to the estimate of God, among the highest and most laudable of
all acts. All other acts are, and will ever remain, secondary and
subordinate unto them....
The purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind to truthfulness and sincerity, to piety and trustworthiness, to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God, to forbearance and kindliness, to uprightness and wisdom. His object is to array every man with the mantle of a saintly character, and to adorn him with the ornament of holy and goodly deeds.
"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh"
The purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind to truthfulness and sincerity, to piety and trustworthiness, to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God, to forbearance and kindliness, to uprightness and wisdom. His object is to array every man with the mantle of a saintly character, and to adorn him with the ornament of holy and goodly deeds.
"Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh"
Monday, August 22, 2011
O concourse of the rulers of the world!
Behold the disturbances which, for many a long year, have afflicted the earth, and the perturbation
that hath seized its peoples. It hath either been
ravaged by war, or tormented by sudden and unforeseen
calamities. Though the world is encompassed
with misery and distress, yet no man hath paused to
reflect what the cause or source of that may be.
Whenever the True Counsellor uttered a word in admonishment,
lo, they all denounced Him as a mover
of mischief and rejected His claim. How bewildering,
how confusing is such behavior! No two men can
be found who may be said to be outwardly and inwardly
united. The evidences of discord and malice
are apparent everywhere, though all were made for
harmony and union. The Great Being saith: O well-beloved
ones! The tabernacle of unity hath been
raised; regard ye not one another as strangers. Ye are
the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch.
We cherish the hope that the light of justice may
shine upon the world and sanctify it from tyranny.
If the rulers and kings of the earth, the symbols of
the power of God, exalted be His glory, arise and
resolve to dedicate themselves to whatever will promote
the highest interests of the whole of humanity,
the reign of justice will assuredly be established
amongst the children of men, and the effulgence of
its light will envelop the whole earth. The Great
Being saith: The structure of world stability and
order hath been reared upon, and will continue to be
sustained by, the twin pillars of reward and punishment....
In another passage He hath written: Take heed, O concourse of the rulers of the world! There is no force on earth that can equal in its conquering power the force of justice and wisdom....
Blessed is the king who marcheth with the ensign of wisdom unfurled before him, and the battalions of justice massed in his rear. He verily is the ornament that adorneth the brow of peace and the countenance of security. There can be no doubt whatever that if the day star of justice, which the clouds of tyranny have obscured, were to shed its light upon men, the face of the earth would be completely transformed.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
In another passage He hath written: Take heed, O concourse of the rulers of the world! There is no force on earth that can equal in its conquering power the force of justice and wisdom....
Blessed is the king who marcheth with the ensign of wisdom unfurled before him, and the battalions of justice massed in his rear. He verily is the ornament that adorneth the brow of peace and the countenance of security. There can be no doubt whatever that if the day star of justice, which the clouds of tyranny have obscured, were to shed its light upon men, the face of the earth would be completely transformed.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
O ye the elected representatives of the people in every land!
How true are these words of Baha'ullah today.
O ye the elected representatives of the people in every land! Take ye counsel together, and let your concern be only for that which profiteth mankind, and bettereth the condition thereof, if ye be of them that scan heedfully. Regard the world as the human body which, though at its creation whole and perfect, hath been afflicted, through various causes, with grave disorders and maladies. Not for one day did it gain ease, nay its sickness waxed more severe, as it fell under the treatment of ignorant physicians, who gave full rein to their personal desires, and have erred grievously. And if, at one time, through the care of an able physician, a member of that body was healed, the rest remained afflicted as before. Thus informeth you the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
We behold it, in this day, at the mercy of rulers so drunk with pride that they cannot discern clearly their own best advantage, much less recognize a Revelation so bewildering and challenging as this. And whenever any one of them hath striven to improve its condition, his motive hath been his own gain, whether confessedly so or not; and the unworthiness of this motive hath limited his power to heal or cure.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
O ye the elected representatives of the people in every land! Take ye counsel together, and let your concern be only for that which profiteth mankind, and bettereth the condition thereof, if ye be of them that scan heedfully. Regard the world as the human body which, though at its creation whole and perfect, hath been afflicted, through various causes, with grave disorders and maladies. Not for one day did it gain ease, nay its sickness waxed more severe, as it fell under the treatment of ignorant physicians, who gave full rein to their personal desires, and have erred grievously. And if, at one time, through the care of an able physician, a member of that body was healed, the rest remained afflicted as before. Thus informeth you the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
We behold it, in this day, at the mercy of rulers so drunk with pride that they cannot discern clearly their own best advantage, much less recognize a Revelation so bewildering and challenging as this. And whenever any one of them hath striven to improve its condition, his motive hath been his own gain, whether confessedly so or not; and the unworthiness of this motive hath limited his power to heal or cure.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Pay thou no heed to the humiliation to which...
Pay thou no heed to the humiliation to which the
loved ones of God have in this Day been subjected.
This humiliation is the pride and glory of all temporal
honor and worldly elevation. What greater
honor can be imagined than the honor conferred by
the Tongue of the Ancient of Days when He calleth
to remembrance His loved ones in His Most Great
Prison? The day is approaching when the intervening
clouds will have been completely dissipated, when
the light of the words, “All honor belongeth unto
God and unto them that love Him,” will have appeared,
as manifest as the sun, above the horizon of
the Will of the Almighty.
All men, be they high or low, have sought and are still seeking so great an honor. All, however, have, as soon as the Sun of Truth shed its radiance upon the world, been deprived of its benefits, and have been shut out as by a veil from its glory, except them that have clung to the cord of the unfailing providence of the one true God, and have with complete detachment from all else but Him turned their faces towards His holy court.
Render thanks unto Him Who is the Desire of all worlds for having invested thee with such high honor. Ere long the world and all that is therein shall be as a thing forgotten, and all honor shall belong to the loved ones of thy Lord, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful.
All men, be they high or low, have sought and are still seeking so great an honor. All, however, have, as soon as the Sun of Truth shed its radiance upon the world, been deprived of its benefits, and have been shut out as by a veil from its glory, except them that have clung to the cord of the unfailing providence of the one true God, and have with complete detachment from all else but Him turned their faces towards His holy court.
Render thanks unto Him Who is the Desire of all worlds for having invested thee with such high honor. Ere long the world and all that is therein shall be as a thing forgotten, and all honor shall belong to the loved ones of thy Lord, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh.
Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning
By the righteousness of God! The world and its
vanities, and its glory, and whatever delights it can
offer, are all, in the sight of God, as worthless as, nay,
even more contemptible than, dust and ashes. Would
that the hearts of men could comprehend it! Cleanse
yourselves thoroughly, O people of Bahá, from the
defilement of the world, and of all that pertaineth
unto it.
That which beseemeth you is the love of God, and the love of Him Who is the Manifestation of His Essence, and the observance of whatsoever He chooseth to prescribe unto you, did ye but know it.
Say: Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning. Suffer not yourselves to be deprived of the robe of forbearance and justice, that the sweet savors of holiness may be wafted from your hearts upon all created things. Say: Beware, O people of Bahá, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose words differ from their deeds.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
That which beseemeth you is the love of God, and the love of Him Who is the Manifestation of His Essence, and the observance of whatsoever He chooseth to prescribe unto you, did ye but know it.
Say: Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning. Suffer not yourselves to be deprived of the robe of forbearance and justice, that the sweet savors of holiness may be wafted from your hearts upon all created things. Say: Beware, O people of Bahá, lest ye walk in the ways of them whose words differ from their deeds.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
Thou art the Ever-Forgiving.
I am a sinner, O my Lord, and Thou art the Ever-Forgiving. As soon
as I recognized Thee, I hastened to attain the exalted court of Thy
loving-kindness. Forgive me, O my Lord, my sins which have hindered me
from walking in the ways of Thy good pleasure, and from attaining the
shores of the ocean of Thy oneness.
There is no one, O my Lord, who can deal bountifully with me to whom I can turn my face, and none who can have compassion on me that I may crave his mercy. Cast me not out, I implore Thee, of the presence of Thy grace, neither do Thou withhold from me the outpourings of Thy generosity and bounty. Ordain for me, O my Lord, what Thou hast ordained for them that love Thee, and write down for me what Thou hast written down for Thy chosen ones. My gaze hath, at all times, been fixed on the horizon of Thy gracious providence, and mine eyes bent upon the court of Thy tender mercies. Do with me as beseemeth Thee. No God is there but Thee, the God of power, the God of glory, Whose help is implored by all men.
~ Bahá’u’lláh
There is no one, O my Lord, who can deal bountifully with me to whom I can turn my face, and none who can have compassion on me that I may crave his mercy. Cast me not out, I implore Thee, of the presence of Thy grace, neither do Thou withhold from me the outpourings of Thy generosity and bounty. Ordain for me, O my Lord, what Thou hast ordained for them that love Thee, and write down for me what Thou hast written down for Thy chosen ones. My gaze hath, at all times, been fixed on the horizon of Thy gracious providence, and mine eyes bent upon the court of Thy tender mercies. Do with me as beseemeth Thee. No God is there but Thee, the God of power, the God of glory, Whose help is implored by all men.
~ Bahá’u’lláh
Saturday, August 20, 2011
the integrity of your life
Letter to the 18 first believers, spiritual dawn-breakers called the Letters of the Living, from The Bab (meaning The Gate), Herald of the Baha'i Faith.
"O My beloved friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day. You have been chosen as the repositories of His mystery. It behoves each one of you to manifest the attributes of God, and to exemplify by your deeds and words the signs of His righteousness, His power and glory. The very members of your body must bear witness to the loftiness of your purpose, the integrity of your life, the reality of your faith, and the exalted character of your devotion. For verily I say, this is the Day spoken of by God in His Book:[1] 'On that day will We set a seal upon their mouths yet shall their hands speak unto Us, and their feet shall bear witness to that which they shall have done.' Ponder the words of Jesus addressed to His disciples, as He sent them forth to propagate the Cause of God. In words such as these, He bade them arise and fulfil their mission: 'Ye are even as the fire which in the darkness of the night has been kindled upon the mountain-top. Let your light shine before the eyes of men. Such must be the purity of your character and the degree of your renunciation, that the people of the earth may through you recognize and be drawn closer to the heavenly Father who is the Source of purity and grace. For none has seen the Father who is in heaven. You who are His spiritual children must by your deeds exemplify His virtues, and witness to His glory. You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?' . . .
O My Letters! Verily I say, immensely exalted is this Day above the days of the Apostles of old. Nay, immeasurable is the difference! You are the witnesses of the Dawn of the promised Day of God. You are the partakers of the mystic chalice of His Revelation. Gird up the loins of endeavour, and be mindful of the words of God as revealed in His Book:[2] 'Lo, the Lord thy God is come, and with Him is the company of His angels arrayed before Him!' Purge your hearts of worldly desires, and let angelic virtues be your adorning. Strive that by your deeds you may bear witness to the truth of these words of God, and beware lest, by 'turning back,' He may 'change you for another people,' who 'shall not be your like,' and who shall take from you the Kingdom of God. The days when idle worship was deemed sufficient are ended. The time is come when naught but the purest motive, supported by deeds of stainless purity, can ascend to the throne of the Most High and be acceptable unto Him. 'The good word riseth up unto Him, and the righteous deed will cause it to be exalted before Him.' You are the lowly, of whom God has thus spoken in His Book:[3] "And We desire to show favour to those who were brought low in the land, and to make them spiritual leaders among men, and to make them Our heirs.' You have been called to this station; you will attain to it, only if you arise to trample beneath your feet every earthly desire, and endeavour to become those 'honoured servants of His who speak not till He hath spoken, and who do His bidding.' You are the first Letters that have been generated from the Primal Point,[4] the first Springs that have welled out from the Source of this Revelation. Beseech the Lord your God to grant that no earthly entanglements, no worldly affections, no ephemeral pursuits, may tarnish the purity, or embitter the sweetness, of that grace which flows through you. I am preparing you for the advent of a mighty Day. Exert your utmost endeavour that, in the world to come, I, who am now instructing you, may, before the mercy-seat of God, rejoice in your deeds and glory in your achievements. . . ."
[1 The Qur'án.]
[2 The Qur'án.]
[3 The Qur'án.]
[4 One of the Báb's titles.]
The purpose of religion ....
The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of God's holy Will
is to establish unity and concord amongst the peoples of the world;
make it not the cause of dissension and strife. The religion of
God and His divine law are the most potent instruments and the surest
of all means for the dawning of the light of unity amongst men.
The progress of the world, the development of nations, the tranquillity
of peoples, and the peace of all who dwell on earth are among the
principles and ordinances of God. Religion bestoweth upon man the
most precious of all gifts, offereth the cup of prosperity, imparteth
eternal life, and showereth imperishable benefits upon mankind. Baha'u'llah
The purpose of all the divine religions is the establishment of the bonds of love and fellowship among men, and the heavenly phenomena of the revealed Word of God are intended to be a source of knowledge and illumination to humanity. So long as man persists in his adherence to ancestral forms and imitation of obsolete ceremonials, denying higher revelations of the divine light in the world, strife and contention will destroy the purpose of religion and make love and fellowship impossible. Each of the holy Manifestations announced the glad tidings of His successor, and each One confirmed the message of His predecessor. Therefore, inasmuch as They were agreed and united in purpose and teaching, it is incumbent upon Their followers to be likewise unified in love and spiritual fellowship. In no other way will discord and alienation disappear and the oneness of the world of humanity be established.
The purpose of all the divine religions is the establishment of the bonds of love and fellowship among men, and the heavenly phenomena of the revealed Word of God are intended to be a source of knowledge and illumination to humanity. So long as man persists in his adherence to ancestral forms and imitation of obsolete ceremonials, denying higher revelations of the divine light in the world, strife and contention will destroy the purpose of religion and make love and fellowship impossible. Each of the holy Manifestations announced the glad tidings of His successor, and each One confirmed the message of His predecessor. Therefore, inasmuch as They were agreed and united in purpose and teaching, it is incumbent upon Their followers to be likewise unified in love and spiritual fellowship. In no other way will discord and alienation disappear and the oneness of the world of humanity be established.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
(LATEST) Be The Change You Want To See
As Bahá'ís, having faith in the betterment of the world is very important. The quotation shown in the beginning of the video reminds us to not only show our faith in God through words alone; rather our lives should animate our belief through deeds and actions. The idea for this video came together when a group of youth met for a weekend and decided to make a song to show how faith inspires them. The first day was dedicated to inspiring workshops, brainstorming, writing and recording. The second day was spent filming and final critiques. This is the result!
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our faith and look forward to seeing the other diversity of videos submitted.
Edited by:
Nadim Merrikh
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to express our faith and look forward to seeing the other diversity of videos submitted.
Edited by:
Nadim Merrikh
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It hath been decreed by Us that the Word…
It hath been decreed by Us that the Word
of God and all the potentialities thereof shall be
manifested unto men in strict conformity with such
conditions as have been foreordained by Him Who
is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. We have, moreover,
ordained that its veil of concealment be none
other except its own Self. Such indeed is Our Power
to achieve Our Purpose. Should the Word be allowed
to release suddenly all the energies latent within it, no
man could sustain the weight of so mighty a Revelation.
Nay, all that is in heaven and on earth would
flee in consternation before it.
Consider that which hath been sent down unto
Muḥammad, the Apostle of God. The measure of the
Revelation of which He was the bearer had been
clearly foreordained by Him Who is the Almighty,
the All-Powerful. They that heard Him, however,
could apprehend His purpose only to the extent of
their station and spiritual capacity. He, in like
manner, uncovered the Face of Wisdom in proportion
to their ability to sustain the burden of His
Message. No sooner had mankind attained the stage
of maturity, than the Word revealed to men’s eyes
the latent energies with which it had been endowed—energies which manifested themselves in the plenitude
of their glory when the Ancient Beauty
appeared, in the year sixty, in the person of ‘Alí-Muḥammad,
the Báb.
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
The purpose of God in creating man hath been,
The purpose of God in creating man hath
been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his
Creator and to attain His Presence. To this most
excellent aim, this supreme objective, all the heavenly
Books and the divinely-revealed and weighty Scriptures
unequivocally bear witness. Whoso hath recognized
the Day Spring of Divine guidance and entered
His holy court hath drawn nigh unto God and
attained His Presence, a Presence which is the real
Paradise, and of which the loftiest mansions of
heaven are but a symbol. Such a man hath attained
the knowledge of the station of Him Who is “at the
distance of two bows,” Who standeth beyond the
Sadratu’l-Muntahá. Whoso hath failed to recognize
Him will have condemned himself to the misery of
remoteness, a remoteness which is naught but utter
nothingness and the essence of the nethermost fire.
Such will be his fate, though to outward seeming he
may occupy the earth’s loftiest seats and be established
upon its most exalted throne.
This principle hath operated in each of the previous
Dispensations and been abundantly demonstrated….
It is for this reason that, in every age,
when a new Manifestation hath appeared and a fresh
revelation of God’s transcendent power was vouchsafed
unto men.
Bahá'u'lláh Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
Bahá'u'lláh Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
There are two mighty banners which ...
There are two mighty banners which, when they
cast their shadow across the crown of any king, will
cause the influence of his government quickly and easily
to penetrate the whole earth, even as if it were the
light of the sun: the first of these two banners is wisdom;
the second is justice. Against these two most potent
forces, the iron hills cannot prevail, and Alexander’s
wall will break before them. It is clear that life
in this fast-fading world is as fleeting and inconstant as
the morning wind, and this being so, how fortunate
are the great who leave a good name behind them, and
the memory of a lifetime spent in the pathway of the
good pleasure of God.
`Abdu'l-Bahá The Secret of Divine Civilization
`Abdu'l-Bahá The Secret of Divine Civilization
True civilization will unfurl its banner in ....
True civilization will unfurl its banner in the midmost
heart of the world whenever a certain number of
its distinguished and high-minded sovereigns—the shining
exemplars of devotion and determination—shall, for
the good and happiness of all mankind, arise, with firm
resolve and clear vision, to establish the Cause of Universal
Peace. They must make the Cause of Peace the
object of general consultation, and seek by every means
in their power to establish a Union of the nations of the
world. They must conclude a binding treaty and establish
a covenant, the provisions of which shall be sound,
inviolable and definite. They must proclaim it to all the
world and obtain for it the sanction of all the human
race. This supreme and noble undertaking—the real
source of the peace and well-being of all the world—should be regarded as sacred by all that dwell on earth.
All the forces of humanity must be mobilized to ensure
the stability and permanence of this Most Great Covenant.
In this all-embracing Pact the limits and frontiers
of each and every nation should be clearly fixed, the
principles underlying the relations of governments towards
one another definitely laid down, and all international
agreements and obligations ascertained.
In like manner, the size of the armaments of every government should be strictly limited, for if the preparations for war and the military forces of any nation should be allowed to increase, they will arouse the suspicion of others. The fundamental principle underlying this solemn Pact should be so fixed that if any government later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should arise to reduce it to utter submission, nay the human race as a whole should resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy that government. Should this greatest of all remedies be applied to the sick body of the world, it will assuredly recover from its ills and will remain eternally safe and secure.
`Abdu'l-Bahá The Secret of Divine Civilization
In like manner, the size of the armaments of every government should be strictly limited, for if the preparations for war and the military forces of any nation should be allowed to increase, they will arouse the suspicion of others. The fundamental principle underlying this solemn Pact should be so fixed that if any government later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should arise to reduce it to utter submission, nay the human race as a whole should resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy that government. Should this greatest of all remedies be applied to the sick body of the world, it will assuredly recover from its ills and will remain eternally safe and secure.
`Abdu'l-Bahá The Secret of Divine Civilization
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The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,
The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...