Can he ever conceive for these Divine Luminaries, these resplendent Lights either a beginning or an end?
What outpouring flood can compare with the stream of His all-embracing grace, and what blessing can excel the evidences of so great and pervasive a mercy?
There can be no doubt whatever that if for one moment the tide of His mercy and grace were to be withheld from the world, it would completely perish.
For this reason, from the beginning that hath no beginning the portals of Divine mercy have been flung open to the face of all created things, and the clouds of Truth will continue to the end that hath no end to rain on the soil of human capacity, reality and personality their favors and bounties. Such hath been God’s method continued from everlasting to everlasting."
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, P. 69