Sunday, February 24, 2019

Establishment of peace is a duty

The establishment of peace is a duty to which the entire human race is called. The responsibility that Bahá’ís bear to aid that process will evolve over time, but they have never been mere spectators—they lend their share of assistance to the operation of those forces leading humanity towards unity. They are summoned to be as leaven to the world.
Consider Bahá’u’lláh’s words:
 Address yourselves to the promotion of the well-being and tranquillity of the children of men. Bend your minds and wills to the education of the peoples and kindreds of the earth, that haply the dissensions that divide it may, through the power of the Most Great Name, be blotted out from its face, and all mankind become the upholders of one Order, and the inhabitants of one City.
(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
The Universal House of Justice.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


The connection between God and the creatures is that of the creator to the creation; it is like the connection between the sun and the dark bodies of contingent beings, and is the connection between the maker and the things that he has made.
The sun in its own essence is independent of the bodies which it lights; for its light is in itself, and is free and independent of the terrestrial globe; so the earth is under the influence of the sun and receives its light, whereas the sun and its rays are entirely independent of the earth. But if there were no sun, the earth and all earthly beings could not exist.
The dependence through the creatures upon God is a dependence of emanation: that is to say, creatures emanate from God, they do not manifest Him. The relation is that of emanation and not that of manifestation.

Selected Writings of Abdu’l-Bahá P.316

These are not days of

A heart that has embraced love for the whole of humanity will certainly be pained when confronted by the suffering that so many endure because of disunity.
But the friends of God cannot shut themselves off from the increasing turmoil of the society that surrounds them; they must guard themselves, too, from becoming enmeshed in its conflicts or falling into its adversarial methods.
No matter how bleak conditions may appear at any given time, no matter how dismal the immediate prospects for bringing about unity, there is no cause for despair.
The distressing state of the world can only spur us to redouble our commitment to constructive action. “These are not days of prosperity and triumph” cautions Bahá’u’lláh. “The whole of mankind is in the grip of manifold ills. Strive, therefore, to save its life through the wholesome medicine which the almighty hand of the unerring Physician hath prepared.”
(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
The Universal House of Justice.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Fostering unity,

Fostering unity, by harmonizing disparate elements and nurturing in every heart a selfless love for humankind, is the task of religion.
Great possibilities to cultivate fellowship and concord are open to religious leaders, but these same leaders can also incite violence by using their influence to stoke the fires of fanaticism and prejudice.
Writing of religion, Bahá’u’lláh’s words are emphatic: “… make it not”, He warns, “the cause of dissension and strife.” Peace, for “all who dwell on earth”, is one of “the principles and ordinances of God”.

(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
The Universal House of Justice.

Man is the noblest of beings

... Man is the noblest of beings, the sum of all perfections, and that all beings and all existences are the centers from which the glory of God is reflected, that is to say, the signs of the Divinity of God are apparent in the realities of things and of creatures.
Without doubt each being is the center of the shining forth of the glory of God: that is to say, the perfections of God appear from it and are resplendent in it.
The world, indeed each  existing being, proclaims to us one of the names of God, but the reality of man is the collective reality, the general reality, and is the center where the glory of all the perfections of God shine forth. That is to say, for each name, each attribute, each perfection which we affirm of God, there exists a sign in man; if it were otherwise, man could not imagine these perfections, and could not understand them.
Consequently the Divinity of God, which is the sum of all perfections, reflects itself in the reality of man; that is to say, the Essence of Oneness is the gathering of all perfections, and from this unity He casts a reflection upon the human reality. Man then is the perfect mirror facing the Sun of Truth, and is the center of radiation: the Sun of Truth shines in this mirror.

Selected Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá P. 311

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Diversity that characterizes the human family,

Consider how radically different such a fragmented conception of human identity is from the one that follows from a recognition of the oneness of humanity.
In this perspective, the diversity that characterizes the human family, far from contradicting its oneness, endows it with richness.

Unity, in its Bahá’í expression, contains the essential concept of diversity, distinguishing it from uniformity. It is through love for all people, and by subordinating lesser loyalties to the best interests of humankind, that the unity of the world can be realized and the infinite expressions of human diversity find their highest fulfilment.

(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
The Universal House of Justice.

We will make man in Our image and likeness

... as man in the womb of the mother passes from form to form, from shape to shape, changes and develops, and is still the human species from the beginning of the embryonic period—in the same way man, from the beginning of his existence in the matrix of the world, is also a distinct species, that is, man, and has gradually evolved from one form to another.
Therefore this change of appearance, this evolution of members, this development and growth, even though we admit the reality of growth and progress, does not prevent the species from being original.
Man from the beginning was in this perfect form and composition, and possessed capacity and aptitude for acquiring material and spiritual perfections, and was the manifestation of these words, “We will make man in Our image and likeness.” He has only become more pleasing, more beautiful, and more graceful. Civilization has brought him out of his wild state, just as the wild fruits which are cultivated by a gardener became finer, sweeter, and acquire more freshness and delicacy.
The gardeners of the world of humanity are the Prophets of God.

Selected Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá P. 310

Saturday, February 16, 2019

the spirit in man

Modern philosophers say: “We have never seen the spirit in man, and in spite of our researches into the secrets of the human body, we do not perceive a spiritual power. How can we imagine a power which is not sensible?” The theologians reply: “The spirit of the animal also is not sensible, and through its bodily powers it cannot be perceived. By what do you prove the existence of the spirit of the animal? There is no doubt that from its effects you prove that in the animal there is a power which is not in the plant, and this is the power of the senses; that is to say, sight, hearing, and also other powers; from these you infer that there is an animal spirit...
If we wish to deny everything that is not sensible, then we must deny the realities which unquestionably exist. The power of attraction is not sensible, though it certainly exists. From what do we affirm these existences? From their signs.

Selected Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá P. 308

Rashḥ-i-‘Amá (The Clouds of the Realms Above)

’Tis from Our rapture that the clouds of realms above are raining down;8
 ’Tis from Our anthem that the mysteries of faith are raining down.
 Upon the Eastern wind Cathay’s entrancing musk doth waft; This sweetly scented breeze from Our curling locks is raining down.
 The day-star of adornment hath dawned forth above the face of God;
  Behold that mystic truth which from His Countenance is raining down.
  The sea of purity hath from the wave of true reunion surged; This precious, rare bestowal from our rapture is raining down.
  The treasuries of love lay hid within the very heart of Fárs; From out this treasure trove the pearls of faithfulness are raining down.
  The splendour of the rose doth bring the ecstasy of choicest wine; This subtle music from the ringing tones of Lordship is raining down.
  The trumpet-blast of Judgement Day, the joyful bliss of heaven’s call— Both at a single breath are from the firmament now raining down.
  The Day of “I am He” is made to shine resplendent from Our face; The Age of “He is He” from out Our flowing cup is raining down.
  From out the fountain of Our heart hath God’s celestial river flowed;
  This cup of honeyed nectar from Our ruby lips is raining down.
  The Day of God hath been fulfilled, for lo, the Lord hath been unveiled; This wondrous message from the melody of Ṭá’ is raining down.
  Behold Bahá’s outpouring grace, the bounty of the clouds above, Which, merged into a single song, in God’s own voice is raining down.
  Behold the Lord’s leviathan, behold His sacred countenance;
  Behold the blessings of the heart that from His throne are raining down.
  Behold the Palm of Paradise, behold the warbling of the Dove;
  Behold the glorious hymns that in the purest light are raining down.
  Behold the soul-entrancing song, behold the beating of the drum,
  Behold the sacred rhythms that from Our hand are raining down.
  Behold the Countenance Divine! Behold the Maid of Paradise!
  Behold the grace upon the world from Our own presence raining down.
  Behold the everlasting Face!
  Behold the chalice-bearer’s charm!
  Behold the crystal draught that from Our brimming cup is raining down.
  Behold the fire of Moses, see His hand that shineth white;
  Behold the heart of Sinai—from Our hand all raining down.
  Hear ye the sotted lovers’ sighs, behold the garden blooming fair;
  Behold the bliss that from His presence in your midst is raining down.
  Behold the radiant face of Há’, behold the beauteous robe of Bá’;
  Behold the Lordly grace that from Our Pen is raining down.
 The vessel of the Advent this, the clouds of limpid waters these; The trill of songbirds this, from Our fleeting Wellspring raining down.

 (The Call of the Divine Beloved)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Humanity is gripped by a crisis of identity...

Humanity is gripped by a crisis of identity, as various peoples and groups struggle to define themselves, their place in the world, and how they should act. Without a vision of shared identity and common purpose, they fall into competing ideologies and power struggles.
Seemingly countless permutations of “us” and “them” define group identities ever more narrowly and in contrast to one another.
Over time, this splintering into divergent interest groups has weakened the cohesion of society itself.
Rival conceptions about the primacy of a particular people are peddled to the exclusion of the truth that humanity is on a common journey in which all are protagonists.

(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
  The Universal House of Justice.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

World unity is possible—nay, inevitable

However, though world unity is possible—nay, inevitable—it ultimately cannot be achieved without unreserved acceptance of the oneness of humankind, described by the Guardian as “the pivot round which all the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh revolve”.

With what insight and eloquence did he expound upon the far-reaching implications of this cardinal principle! Plainly he saw, amidst the turbulence of world affairs, how the reality that humanity is one people must be the starting point for a new order. The vast array of relations among nations—and within them—all need to be re-envisaged in this light.
 The realization of such a vision will require, sooner or later, an historic feat of statesmanship from the leaders of the world.
Alas, the will to attempt this feat is still wanting.

(18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)  The Universal House of Justice.


The poem known as “Rashḥ-i-‘Amá”, was written in 1852 in the Síyáh-Chál and is among the few He revealed while in His native land of Persia, and in verse. Bahá’u’lláh recounts: “During the days I lay in the prison of Ṭihrán, though the galling weight of the chains and the stench-filled air allowed Me but little sleep, still in those infrequent moments of slumber I felt as if something flowed from the crown of My head over My breast, even as a mighty torrent that precipitateth itself upon the earth from the summit of a lofty mountain. Every limb of My body would, as a result, be set afire. At such moments My tongue recited what no man could bear to hear.”
The poetic reflection of that experience, as conveyed in Rashḥ-i-‘Amá, can perhaps never be adequately rendered into another language, yet the present translation is an initial attempt to impart a glimpse of its power and momentous themes.

The Call of the Divine Beloved

Sunday, February 3, 2019

World unity is finally possible.

Universal peace is the destination towards which humanity has been moving throughout the ages under the influence of the Word of God that has been progressively imparted by the Creator to His creation.
Shoghi Effendi described humanity’s advance towards a new, global stage in its collective life in terms of social evolution, “an evolution that has had its earliest beginnings in the birth of family life, its subsequent development in the achievement of tribal solidarity, leading in turn to the constitution of the city-state, and expanding later into the institution of independent and sovereign nations.”
Now, with the coming of Bahá’u’lláh, the human race stands on the threshold of its maturity. World unity is finally possible. A global order that unifies the nations with the assent of humanity is the only adequate answer to the destabilizing forces that threaten the world.

 (18 January 2019 – To the Bahá’ís of the World)
The Universal House of Justice.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The unification of humanity is unstoppable

Thus do the forces of disintegration regroup and gain ground.

So be it.
The unification of humanity is unstoppable by any human force; the promises made by the prophets of old and by the Author of the Cause of God Himself testify to this truth. Yet the course humanity takes to achieve its destiny may very well be tortuous. The tumult raised by the contending peoples of the earth threatens to drown out the voices of those noble-minded souls in every society who call for an end to conflict and struggle.
As long as that call goes unheeded, there is no reason to doubt that the world’s current state of disorder and confusion will worsen—possibly with catastrophic consequences—until a chastened humanity sees fit to take another significant step, perhaps this time decisive, towards enduring peace....

18 January 2019 letter on world peace from
The Universal House of Justice.

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...