is like this glass, which is perfectly pure and polished. It is
precisely like this pure chalice before us, and the Teachings of God,
the utterances of God, are like the water. When the glass or chalice is
absolutely pure and clear, and the water is perfectly fresh and limpid,
then it will confer Life; wherefore, the Teachings of God, whether they
be in the form of anthems or communes or prayers, when they are
melodiously sung, are most impressive. It was for this reason that His
Holiness David sang the psalms in the Holy of Holies at Jerusalem with
sweet melodies. In this Cause the art of music is of paramount
importance. The Blessed Perfection, when He first came to the barracks
(Acca) repeated this statement: "If among the immediate followers there
had been those who could have played some musical instrument, i.e.,
flute or harp, or could have sung, it would have charmed every one." In
short, musical melodies form an important role in the associations, or
outward and inward characteristics, or qualities of man, for it is the
inspirer or motive power of both the material and spiritual
susceptibilities. What a motive power it is in all feelings of love!
When man is attached to the Love of God, music has a great effect upon
him. ‘Abdu’l-Baha,
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