Saturday, January 21, 2012

Covenant breaker ....

…is one who disobeys and turns away from the Center of the Covenant.The Light of Divine Guidance v II, p. 109

 When a person declares his acceptance of Bahá'u'lláh as a Manifestation of God he becomes a party to the Covenant and accepts the totality of His Revelation. If he then turns round and attacks Bahá'u'lláh or the Central Institution of the Faith he violates the Covenant. If this happens every effort is made to help that person to see the illogicality and error of his actions, but if he persists he must, in accordance with the instructions of Bahá'u'lláh Himself, be shunned as a Covenant-breaker.23 March 1975, the Universal House of Justice.

Every Bahá’í is at liberty, nay is urged, to freely express his opinion and his understanding of the Teachings, but all this is in a totally different category from that of a Bahá’í who opposes the clear Teachings of Bahá’u'lláh or who asserts his own opinion as an authoritative and correct interpretation of the teachings, and attacks or opposes the very Institutions which Bahá’u'lláh has created to protect His Covenant. When a person declares his acceptance of Bahá’u'lláh as a Manifestation of God he becomes a pa rty to the Covenant and accepts the totality of His Revelation. If he then turns round and attacks Bahá’u'lláh or the Central Institution of the Faith he violates the Covenant. If this happens every effort is made to help that person to see the illogicality and error of his actions, but if he persists he must, in accordance with the instructions of Bahá’u'lláh Himself, be shunned as a Covenant-Breaker.
Letter from the Universal House of Justice, dated March 23, 1975.


  1. Yes and the term of so called "Covenant breaker" is used as a mean of oppression under current baha'i administration to control and take care of benefits of few who think some-how owning the Baha'i faith. This kind of oppression has turned the baha'i faith to a very un-pleasant cult and hence resulted of its abandonment by old devoted followers. People have been witnessing the corruption and cover-ups and eventually they has realized that un-furtunatly the cause has been defeated by whom that pro-tented they are defending it but rather, damaged and broke it form inside. It has been a great shame that for years whom admin-stared the baha'i faith created more and more dissent, for their own worldly gains.

  2. Jaleh,
    You must be very close (most likely he sitting next to you)to a person I know.
    Your style of writing and the words you have chosen are exactly like his.
    However, I suggest you visit this site to get a better idea about the Bahai Covenant.
    Also, please read the description to this blog, "Quotes from Baha'i Holy Writings that touch my heart."
    There are other forums which you can express your views and exchange ideas.


  3. Also I find this so "interesting" for you, "Jaleh Rabani" to suddenly show up here and leave comments !!!!!

  4. Thanks for the link Mr Azizi. So you are claiming that who ever that stands against the corruption in baha'i faith should be labelled CB and get disposed off I am correct? Is that the case 90%+ already enrolled Baha'is are CB's according to your book!. It seems to me that you are confusing the issue of opposing Baha'ullah rather opposing unjust deeds. I am afraid you are still stuck on your past shia heritage and unconscionably still very much practicing "TAQLID" [blind-follow-of-mulla's], hence may be it that you who did not really understood baha;i faith ?

  5. Jilla, Jaleh, F..... or whatever you want to call yourself.
    I posted this to show you are nothing but a lier. you can't even get your name right. Enjoy this last post.
    I have better things to do than post your lies or respond to them.
    As I have told you before, getting behind a computer and making accusations is easy. One look at where The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, under the guidance of Universal House justice, has reached, proves one thing to me.
    FYI, my heritage is Jewish not shia.

  6. Is it "Jhon Peach" or John Peach".
    And I am amazed by the increase in numbers of people from Australia who have visited my blog.

  7. 5:59 AM (11 hours ago)
    to me
    Jilla Rabani has left a new comment on your post "Covenant breaker ....":
    " ...... [Oh man Oh man the baha'i Jewish converts are much worse than shia's with taqlid ...."

    Thank you for your "intellectual" comments. Had 3 of the today. You really made my day.
    I suggest, your comments are better received on the other blog, where people with your "intelligence" hang around.

  8. Therefore, in the beginning one must make his steps firm in the Covenant so that the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh may encircle from all sides, the cohorts of the Supreme Concourse may become the supporters and the helpers, and the exhortations and advices of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, like unto the pictures engraved on stone, may remain permanent and ineffaceable in the tablets of the hearts.

    ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá


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