Saturday, March 31, 2012

His purpose, ....

He Who is the Day Spring of Truth is, no doubt, fully capable of rescuing from such remoteness wayward souls and of causing them to draw nigh unto His court and attain His Presence. 'If God had pleased He had surely made all men one people.' His purpose, however, is to enable the pure in spirit and the detached in heart to ascend, by virtue of their own innate powers, unto the shores of the Most Great Ocean, that thereby they who seek the Beauty of the All-Glorious may be distinguished and separated from the wayward and perverse. Thus hath it been ordained by the all-glorious and resplendent Pen...

Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh,

Bahá'u'lláh: Súriy-i-Damm

Praise be to Thee, O Lord My God, for the wondrous revelations of Thy inscrutable decree and the manifold woes and trials Thou hast destined for Myself. At one time Thou didst deliver Me into the hands of Nimrod; at another Thou hast allowed Pharaoh's rod to persecute Me. Thou, alone, canst estimate, through Thine all-encompassing knowledge and the operation of Thy Will, the incalculable afflictions I have suffered at their hands. Again Thou didst cast Me into the prison-cell of the ungodly, for no reason except that I was moved to whisper into the ears of the well-favoured denizens of Thy Kingdom an intimation of the vision with which Thou hadst, through Thy knowledge, inspired Me, and revealed to Me its meaning through the potency of Thy might. And again Thou didst decree that I be beheaded by the sword of the infidel. Again I was crucified for having unveiled to men's eyes the hidden gems of Thy glorious unity, for having revealed to them the wondrous signs of Thy sovereign and everlasting power. How bitter the humiliations heaped upon Me, in a subsequent age, on the plain of Karbilá! How lonely did I feel amidst Thy people! To what a state of helplessness I was reduced in that land! Unsatisfied with such indignities, My persecutors decapitated Me, and, carrying aloft My head from land to land paraded it before the gaze of the unbelieving multitude, and deposited it on the seats of the perverse and faithless. In a later age, I was suspended, and My breast was made a target to the darts of the malicious cruelty of My foes. My limbs were riddled with bullets, and My body was torn asunder. Finally, behold how, in this Day, My treacherous enemies have leagued themselves against Me, and are continually plotting to instil the venom of hate and malice into the souls of Thy servants. With all their might they are scheming to accomplish their purpose...Grievous as is My plight, O God, My Well-Beloved, I render thanks unto Thee, and My Spirit is grateful for whatsoever hath befallen me in the path of Thy good-pleasure. I am well pleased with that which Thou didst ordain for Me, and welcome, however calamitous, the pains and sorrows I am made to suffer.

Bahá'u'lláh: Súriy-i-Damm

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Guardian of Bahá'í Faith

After the passing of `Abdu'l-Bahá in 1921, the leadership of the Bahá'í community entered a new phase, evolving from that of a single individual to an administrative order founded on the "twin pillars" of the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice. This administrative order was originally envisaged by Bahá'u'lláh in his Book of Laws and was given further shape by `Abdu'l-Bahá, particularly in His Will and Testament. In that document He appointed His eldest grandson, Shoghi Effendi, as Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith and also referred to the future election of the Universal House of Justice, a legislative body of which the Guardian would be the "sacred head and the distinguished member for life."


O people of the earth!

The first Glad-Tidings
The first Glad-Tidings which the Mother Book hath, in this Most Great Revelation, imparted unto all the peoples of the world is that the law of holy war hath been blotted out from the Book. Glorified be the All-Merciful, the Lord of grace abounding, through Whom the door of heavenly bounty hath been flung open in the face of all that are in heaven and on earth.

The second Glad-Tidings
It is permitted that the peoples and kindreds of the world associate with one another with joy and radiance. O people! Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship. Thus hath the day-star of His sanction and authority shone forth above the horizon of the decree of God, the Lord of the worlds.

  Bahá’u’lláh Bishárát - Glad-Tidings

زیارت لوحى از حضرت عبدالبهاء در بارۂ ایران

زیارت لوحى از حضرت عبدالبهاء در بارۂ ایران و آرزوى بهائیان براى آیندۂ آن کشور

Let your vision be world-embracing,

O friends! It behoveth you to refresh and revive your souls through the gracious favours which in this Divine, this soul-stirring Springtime are being showered upon you. The Day-Star of His great glory hath shed its radiance upon you, and the clouds of His limitless grace have overshadowed you. How high the reward of him that hath not deprived himself of so great a bounty, nor failed to recognize the beauty of his Best-Beloved in this, His new attire. Watch over yourselves, for the Evil One is lying in wait, ready to entrap you. Gird yourselves against his wicked devices, and, led by the light of the name of the All-Seeing God, make your escape from the darkness that surroundeth you. Let your vision be world-embracing, rather than confined to your own self. The Evil One is he that hindereth the rise and obstructeth the spiritual progress of the children of men...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

نوروز ۱۳۹۱ بیت العدل اعظم

نوروز ۱۳۹۱ پیروان حضرت بهاءالله در کشور مقدّس ایران ملاحظه فرمایند
با قلوبی سرشار از محبّت و اشتیاق، فرا رسیدن عید سعید نوروز را به آن عاشقان جمال رحمان و همۀ ایرانیان پاک‌جان تبریک می‌گوییم. بهار ظاهری به فرمودۀ حضرت عبدالبهاء نمادی است از بهار روحانی و همان ‌گونه که این تجدید فصل به عالم طبیعت جانی تازه و صفایی بی‌اندازه می‌بخشد، در این عصر جدید روحانی نیز پرتو انوار یزدانی بر قلوب صافیه می‌تابد، نسائم روح‌پرور الهی بر گلزار افئدۀ منیره می‌وزد و سبب آگاهی و بیداری نفوس هوشمند و نیک‌اندیش می‌گردد. حال که از مواهب معنوی ایّام صیام بهرۀ وافر برده‌ و بیش از پیش از بادۀ محبّت الله سرمست گشته‌اید، امیدواریم که در این اوقات فرخنده، علی‌رغم مشکلات فراوان، فرصتی بیابید تا از پیک شادی‌آور نوروز و روایح امیدبخش این روز پیروز حظّی برید و جان و روان را توانی تازه بخشید..
 در این ایّام خوش بهاری به آنچه در ایران و اکناف جهان می‌گذرد بیندیشید و ملاحظه فرمایید که چگونه فداکاری و صبر و شکیبایی شما عزیزان در برابر مصائب بی‌پایان توجّه و ستایش همگان را جلب نموده و ثمراتی بس گران‌بها به بار آورده است. یکی از ارزنده‌ترین دست‌آوردهای حاصله از این ثبوت و رسوخ، آگاهی یافتن هم‌میهنان شما به حقایق تاریخ و تعالیم امر مبارک و روش و سلوک بهائیان و آرمان‌های بشردوستانۀ جامعۀ بهائی است. در نتیجه جمّ غفیری از ایرانیان به مظلومیّت شما پی برده و بهائیان را شهروندانی دل‌سوز می‌بینند که بر اساس اعتقادات خود همواره آبادی و سربلندی ایران را مدّ نظر دارند و در اعمال و رفتارشان تلاش می‌کنند تا پیک دوستی و آشتی و مروّج اتّحاد و اتّفاق در بین مردمان باشند. آگاهی این زنان و مردان آزادۀ ایران بر حقایقِ آیین بهائی سبب شده است که عدّۀ بی‌شماری در آموزه‌های این آیین راه حلّی برای مشکلات ایران بیابند. این تحوّل مهمّ تاریخی را ارج نهید و الطاف حیّ قدیر را شاکر و سپاس‌گزار باشید. الحمد لله شما عزیزان با توکّل به خدای مهربان و اطمینان از تأییدات پروردگار منّان، این قدرت و صلابت را یافته‌اید که محدودیّت‌های بشری را زیر پا گذارید و با وجود استمرار بی‌عدالتی‌های فاحش، با عزمی راسخ راه خود را به سوی اهداف متعالی خویش ادامه دهید در اعتاب مقدّسۀ علیا مزید الطاف و عنایات الهی را برایتان مسئلت می‌نماییم.

[امضا: بیت العدل اعظم]

نظم جهانی بهائی

حضرت ولی امرالله می فرمایند:
روحی که حضرت بهاءالله برعالم دمید ... وقتی می تواند بر عالم انسانی تأثیر و نفوذی پایدار داشته باشد که در قالب نظمی مشخص تجسم یابد. این نظم که به نام حضرت بهاءالله موسوم است طبق اصول و مبادی و قوانین حضرتش عمل خواهد کرد ... نظم بهاءالله سفینه نجات بشری باید طبق این اصول اداری که منشأ الهی دارد شکل گیرد و قالب پذیرد. زیرا برکات آینده از این اصول و مبادی سرچشمه می گیرد و مرجعیت قاطع نظم جهانی بهائی نیز بالمال بر همین مبادی و اصول استوار خواهد بود. باید دانست که حضرت بهاءالله نه تنها روحی جدید و خلاق در عالم انسانی دمیده اند و نه تنها به بیان یک سلسله اصول و مبادی جهانی پرداخته اند، و نه تنها جهان بینی خاصی را اعطاء کرده اند که واجد جامعیت و سندیت است، بلکه بر خلاف شرایع قبل، نفس آن حضرت و پس از ایشان حضرت عبدالبهاء با صراحت و قاطعیت قوانینی را وضع کرده اند، نهادهایی را تأسیس نموده اند و اجزاء اصلیه اقتصادی الهی را تدارک دیده اند که مقدر است آن اصول و قوانین و نهادها و بنیادها الگوی جهان آینده و وسیله ای ممتاز برای استقرار صلح اعظم و یگانه عامل تحقق وحدت عالم و اعلان حاکمیت حق و عدالت بر کره ارض باشد ... حکومت متحده آینده بهائی که این نظم عظیم اداری یگانه قالب و حافظ آن بشمار می رود نظراً و عملاً نه تنها در سراسر تاریخ نظامات سیاسی بی نظیر است، بلکه در نظامهای مذهبی ادیان معتبر عالم نیز مثیلی ندارد.
(حال و آینده جهان، صص ۵۷- ۵۴.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012


حضرت عبدالبهاء می فرمایند:
«چون در روز نوروز از برای ایرانیان امور عظیمه واقع شد لهذا ملّت ایران یوم نوروز را فیروز دانسته و آن را عید ملّی قرار دادند. فی الحقیقه این روز بسیار مباركست زیرا بدایت اعتدال ربیعی و اوّل بهار جهت شمالی است و جمیع كاینات ارضیّه چه اشجار چه حیوان چه انسان جان تازه یابد و از نسیم جان پرور نشاطی جدید حاصل كند، حیاتی تازه یابد و حشر و نشر بدیع رخ بگشاید زیرا فصل ربیع است و در كاینات حركت عمومی بدیع

بنام يزدان مهربان
پاک يزدانا ! خاک ايران را از آغاز مشکبيز فرمودی و شور انگيز و دانش خيز و گوهر ريز. از خاورش همواره خورشيدت نور افشان و در باخترش ماه تابان نمايان. کشورش مهر پرور و دشت بهشت آسايش پر گل و گياه جان پرور و کهسارش پر از ميوهء تازه و تر و چمن زارش رشک باغ بهشت. هوشش پيغام سروش و جوشش چون دريای ژرف پر خروش. روزگاری بود که آتش دانشش خاموش شد و اختر بزرگواريش پنهان در زير روپوش. باد بهارش خزان شد و گلزار دلربايش خارزار. چشمه شيرينش شور گشت و بزرگان نازنينش آواره و دربدر هر کشور. دور پرتوش تاريک شد و رودش آب باريک تا آنکه دريای بخششت به جوش آمد و آفتاب دهش دردميد و بهار تازه رسيد و باد جانپرور وزيد و ابر بهمن باريد و پرتو آن مهرپرور تابيد. کشور بجنبيد و خاکدان ، گلستان شد و خاک سياه ، رشک بوستان گشت. جهان جهانی تازه شد و آوازه بلند گشت. دشت و کهسار سبز و خرّم شد و مرغان چمن به ترانه و آهنگ همدم شدند. هنگام شادمانی است، پيغام آسمانی است ، بنگاه جاودانی است. بيدار شو ، بيدار شو. ای پروردگار بزرگوار! حال انجمنی فراهم شده و گروهی همداستان گشته که به جان بکوشند تا از آن باران بخششت بهره به ياران دهند و کودکان خود را به نيروی پرورشت در آغوش هوش پرورده ، رشک دانشمندان نمايند. آئين آسمانی بياموزند و بخشش يزدانی آشکار کنند. پس ای پروردگار مهربان! تو پشت و پناه باش و نيروی بازو بخش تا به آرزوی خويش رسند و از کم و بيش در گذرند و آن مرز و بوم را چون نمونه جهان بالا نمايند . ع ع

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh

It is evident that the changes brought about in every Dispensation constitute the dark clouds that intervene between the eye of man's understanding and the Divine Luminary which shineth forth from the day spring of the Divine Essence. Consider how men for generations have been blindly imitating their fathers, and have been trained according to such ways and manners as have been laid down by the dictates of their Faith. Were these men, therefore, to discover suddenly that a Man, Who hath been living in their midst, Who, with respect to every human limitation, hath been their equal, had risen to abolish every established principle imposed by their Faith--principles by which for centuries they have been disciplined, and every opposer and denier of which they have come to regard as infidel, profligate and wicked,--they would of a certainty be veiled and hindered from acknowledging His truth. Such things are as "clouds" that veil the eyes of those whose inner being hath not tasted the Salsibil of detachment, nor drunk from the Kawthar of the knowledge of God. Such men, when acquainted with those circumstances, become so veiled that, without the least question, they pronounce the Manifestation of God as infidel, and sentence Him to death. You must have heard of such things taking place all down the ages, and are now observing them in these days.    
It behoveth us, therefore, to make the utmost endeavor, that, by God's invisible assistance, these dark veils, these clouds of Heaven-sent trials, may not hinder us from beholding the beauty of His shining Countenance, and that we may recognize Him only by His own Self.

Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh

خطابه نوروز حضرت عبدالبها

در خطابه نوروز حضرت عبدالبها بعد دیگری را نیز به این جشن افزوده و میمنت آنرا چندباره میکنند:

"... و چون روز مبارکی است نبايد آنروز را مهمل گذاشت بی نتيجه نمود که ثمر آنروز محصور در سرور وشادمانی ماند در چنين
يوم مبارکی بايد تأسيس مشروعی گردد که فوائد و منافع آن از برای ملّت دائمی ماند تا در السن و تاريخ مشهور و معروف گردد که مشروع خيری در فلان روز عيد تأسيس يافت. پس بايد دانايان تحقيق و تحرّی نمايند که احتّياج ملّت در آن روز بچه اصلاحی است و چه امر خيری لازم و وضع چه اسّی از اساس سعادت ملّت واجب تا آن اصلاح و آن امر خيرو آن اساس در آن روز تأسيس گردد... تا در آن روز از الفت عموم و اجتماعات عظيمه نتيجه ئی حاصل گردد و ميمنت و مبارکی آنروز ظاهر وآشکار شود... در اين دوربديع هر عمل خيری بايد عمومی باشد يعنی شمول بر جميع بشر داشته باشد اختصاص به بهائيان نداشته باشد. در جميع ادوار انبياء امور خيريّه تعلّق بنفس آن ملّت داشت مگر مسائل جزئيّه مثل صدقه که تجويز شمول بر عموم داشت. امّا در اين دور بديع چونکه ظهور رحمانيّت الهی است جميع امور خيريّه شمول بجميع بشر دارد بدون استثناء"
  خطابه حضرت عبدالبها در روز نوروز ١٣٣٠ هجری قمری در بندر اسکندريّه در هتل ويکتوريا

Sunday, March 11, 2012

desire is a flame ....

For desire is a flame that has reduced to ashes uncounted lifetime harvests of the learned, a devouring fire that even the vast sea of their accumulated knowledge could never quench. How often has it happened that an individual who was graced with every attribute of humanity and wore the jewel of true understanding, nevertheless followed after his passions until his excellent qualities passed beyond moderation and he was forced into excess. His pure intentions changed to evil ones, his attributes were no longer put to uses worthy of them, and the power of his desires turned him aside from righteousness and its rewards into ways that were dangerous and dark. A good character is in the sight of God and His chosen ones and the possessors of insight, the most excellent and praiseworthy of all things, but always on condition that its centre of emanation should be reason and knowledge and its base should be true moderation....


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The fourth Taráz :

The fourth Taráz :
Concerneth trustworthiness. Verily it is the door of security for all that dwell on earth and a token of glory on the part of the All-Merciful. He who partaketh thereof hath indeed partaken of the treasures of wealth and prosperity. Trustworthiness is the greatest portal leading unto the tranquillity and security of the people. In truth the stability of every affair hath depended and doth depend upon it. All the domains of power, of grandeur and of wealth are illumined by its light.

Not long ago these sublime words were revealed from the Pen of the Most High: ‘We will now mention unto thee Trustworthiness and the station thereof in the estimation of God, thy Lord, the Lord of the Mighty Throne. One day of days We repaired unto Our Green Island. Upon Our arrival, We beheld its streams flowing, and its trees luxuriant, and the sunlight playing in their midst. Turning Our face to the right, We beheld what the pen is powerless to describe; nor can it set forth that which the eye of the Lord of Mankind witnessed in that most sanctified, that most sublime, that blest, and most exalted Spot. Turning, then, to the left We gazed on one of the Beauties of the Most Sublime Paradise, standing on a pillar of light, and calling aloud saying: “O inmates of earth and heaven! Behold ye My beauty, and My radiance, and My revelation, and My effulgence. By God, the True One! I am Trustworthiness and the revelation thereof, and the beauty thereof. I will recompense whosoever will cleave unto Me, and recognize My rank and station, and hold fast unto My hem. I am the most great ornament of the people of Bahá, and the vesture of glory unto all who are in the kingdom of creation. I am the supreme instrument for the prosperity of the world, and the horizon of assurance unto all beings.” Thus have We sent down for thee that which will draw men nigh unto the Lord of creation.’
O people of Bahá! Trustworthiness is in truth the best of vestures for your temples and the most glorious crown for your heads. Take ye fast hold of it at the behest of Him Who is the Ordainer, the All-Informed.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fasting is the cause of ....

Fasting is the cause of awakening man. The heart becomes tender and the spirituality of man increases. This is produced by the fact that man's thoughts will be confined to the commemoration of God, and through this awakening and stimulation surely ideal advancements follow... Fasting is of two kinds, material and spiritual. The material fasting is abstaining from food or drink, that is, from the appetites of the body. But spiritual, ideal fasting is this, that man abstain from selfish passions, from negligence and from satanic animal traits. Therefore, material fasting is a token of the spiritual fasting. That is: `O God! As I am fasting from the appetites of the body and not occupied with eating and drinking, even so purify and make holy my heart and my life from aught else save Thy Love, and protect and preserve my soul from self-passions... Thus may the spirit associate with the Fragrances of Holiness and fast from everything else save Thy mention.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Prayer by Bahá’u’lláh

Magnified, O Lord my God, be Thy Name, whereby the trees of the garden of Thy Revelation have been clad with verdure, and been made to yield the fruits of holiness during this Springtime when the sweet savors of Thy favors and blessings have been wafted over all things, and caused them to bring forth whatsoever had been preordained for them in the Kingdom of Thine irrevocable decree and the Heaven of Thine immutable purpose.
I beseech Thee by this very Name not to suffer me to be far from the court of Thy holiness, nor debarred from the exalted sanctuary of Thy unity and oneness. Ignite, then, O my God, within my breast the fire of Thy love, that its flame may burn up all else except my remembrance of Thee, that every trace of corrupt desire may be entirely mortified within me, and that naught may remain except the glorification of Thy transcendent and all-glorious Being. This is my highest aspiration, mine ardent desire, O Thou Who rulest all things, and in Whose hand is the kingdom of the entire creation. Thou, verily, doest what Thou choosest. No God is there beside Thee, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Ever-Forgiving.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

I beseech Thee, ....

I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy hair which moveth across Thy face, even as Thy most exalted pen moveth across the pages of Thy Tablets, shedding the musk of hidden meanings over the kingdom of Thy creation, so to raise me up to serve Thy Cause that I shall not fall back, nor be hindered by the suggestions of them who have caviled at Thy signs and turned away from Thy face. Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.

Bahá’í Prayers for The Fast

ای بنده پر وفای جمال قدم

ای بنده پر وفای جمال قدم، زنده به اسم اعظمی, رنجور بلا را دیگر چه غمی، امواج عطا هر یک چه یمی، دریای جفا شبنمی، دیگر چه غمی، هجوم اعدأ تاریکی شبی، تائید ملکوت ابهی جلوه صبحدمی، دیگر چه غمی، شماتت جهلا چون طنین مگسی، و ندأ ملأ اعلی بانگ فریادرسی، دیگر چه غمی، مقاومت علمأ چون استقامت پشهٔ بینوا، قوت کلمه الله چون ریح صر صر شدیدالقوی، دیگر چه غمی، سستی ناقضین چون حرکت مور بی وفا، سطوت میثاق سلطنت سماوات اعلی، دیگر چه غمی، بنیان امم بنیاد بر هوی، اساس امر الله قصر مشید ذروه علیا، دیگر چه غمی. والبهأ علیک. ع ع

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I beseech Thee,...

I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy mighty Sign, and by the revelation of Thy grace amongst men, to cast me not away from the gate of the city of Thy presence, and to disappoint not the hopes I have set on the manifestations of Thy grace amidst Thy creatures. Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.

Friday, March 2, 2012

مناجات کامل دعای ايام صيام

I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy mighty Sign, and by the revelation of Thy grace amongst men, to cast me not away from the gate of the city of Thy presence, and to disappoint not the hopes I have set on the manifestations of Thy grace amidst Thy creatures.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy most sweet Voice and by Thy most exalted Word, to draw me ever nearer to the threshold of Thy door, and to suffer me not to be far removed from the shadow of Thy mercy and the canopy of Thy bounty.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the splendor of Thy luminous brow and the brightness of the light of Thy countenance, which shineth from the all-highest horizon, to attract me by the fragrance of Thy raiment, and make me drink of the choice wine of Thine utterance.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy hair which moveth across Thy face, even as Thy most exalted pen moveth across the pages of Thy Tablets, shedding the musk of hidden meanings over the kingdom of Thy creation, so to raise me up to serve Thy Cause that I shall not fall back, nor be hindered by the suggestions of them who have caviled at Thy signs and turned away from Thy face.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy Name which Thou hast made the King of Names, by which all who are in heaven and all who are on earth have been enraptured, to enable me to gaze on the Daystar of Thy Beauty, and to supply me with the wine of Thine utterance.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the Tabernacle of Thy majesty upon the loftiest summits, and the Canopy of Thy Revelation on the highest hills, to graciously aid me to do what Thy will hath desired and Thy purpose hath manifested.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy Beauty that shineth forth above the horizon of eternity, a Beauty before which, as soon as it revealeth itself, the kingdom of beauty boweth down in worship, magnifying it in ringing tones, to grant that I may die to all that I possess and live to whatsoever belongeth unto Thee.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the Manifestation of Thy Name, the Well-Beloved, through Whom the hearts of Thy lovers were consumed and the souls of all that dwell on earth have soared aloft, to aid me to remember Thee amongst Thy creatures, and to extol Thee amidst Thy people.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the rustling of the Divine Lote-Tree and the murmur of the breezes of Thine utterance in the kingdom of Thy names, to remove me far from whatsoever Thy will abhorreth, and draw me nigh unto the station wherein He Who is the Dayspring of Thy signs hath shone forth.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by that Letter which, as soon as it proceeded out of the mouth of Thy will, hath caused the oceans to surge, and the winds to blow, and the fruits to be revealed, and the trees to spring forth, and all past traces to vanish, and all veils to be rent asunder, and them who are devoted to Thee to hasten unto the light of the countenance of their Lord, the Unconstrained, to make known unto me what lay hid in the treasuries of Thy knowledge and concealed within the repositories of Thy wisdom.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the fire of Thy love which drove sleep from the eyes of Thy chosen ones and Thy loved ones, and by their remembrance and praise of Thee at the hour of dawn, to number me with such as have attained unto that which Thou hast sent down in Thy Book and manifested through Thy will.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by the light of Thy countenance which impelled them who are nigh unto Thee to meet the darts of Thy decree, and such as are devoted to Thee to face the swords of Thine enemies in Thy path, to write down for me with Thy most exalted Pen what Thou hast written down for Thy trusted ones and Thy chosen ones.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.
I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy Name through which Thou hast hearkened unto the call of Thy lovers, and the sighs of them that long for Thee, and the cry of them that enjoy near access to Thee, and the groaning of Them that are devoted to Thee, and through which Thou hast fulfilled the wishes of them that have set their hopes on Thee, and hast granted them their desires, through Thy grace and Thy favors, and by Thy Name through which the ocean of forgiveness surged before Thy face, and the clouds of Thy generosity rained upon Thy servants, to write down for everyone who hath turned unto Thee, and observed the Fast prescribed by Thee, the recompense decreed for such as speak not except by Thy leave, and who forsook all that they possessed in Thy path and for love of Thee.
I beseech Thee, O my Lord, by Thyself, and by Thy signs, and Thy clear tokens, and the shining light of the Daystar of Thy Beauty, and Thy Branches, to cancel the trespasses of those who have held fast to Thy laws, and have observed what Thou hast prescribed unto them in Thy Book.  Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.


intention, confirmation, action

...every great Cause in this world of existence findeth visible expression through three means: first, intention; second, confirmation; third, action. Today on this earth there are many souls who are promoters of peace and reconciliation and are longing for the realization of the oneness and unity of the world of humanity; but this intention needeth a dynamic power, so that it may become manifest in the world of being. In this day the divine instructions and lordly exhortations promulgate this most great aim, and the confirmations of the Kingdom also support and aid the realization of this intention. Therefore, although the combined forces and thoughts of the nations of the world cannot by themselves achieve this exalted purpose, the power of the Word of God penetrateth all things and the assistance of the divine Kingdom is continuous. Erelong it will become evident and clear that the ensign of the Most Great Peace is the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, and the tent of union and harmony among nations is the Tabernacle of the divine Kingdom, for therein the intention, the power and the action, all three, are brought together. The realization of everything in the world of being dependeth upon these three elements.


پیام بیت العدل اعظم الهی مورخ 11 اسفند 1390

حبّای باوفای حضرت بهاءالله در کشور مقدّس ایران ملاحظه فرمایند

ماه مبارک صیام که هر ساعتی از آن به فرمودۀ قلم اعلی به فضیلتی مخصّص است فرا رسیده و دل‌باختگان جمال جانان در سراسر جهان آماده‌اند تا از قوای مکنونۀ روحانیّۀ این ایّام بهرۀ وافر برند و روح و جان را نشئه‌ای تازه بخشند. ادای روزه با خلوص نیّت جاذب تأییدات الهی و موجب تذکّر و تنبّه و صفای قلب است. حضرت عبدالبهاء می‌فرمایند "خوشا به حال نفوسی که در ماه صیام روزه گرفتند و به کمال اتّحاد و اتّفاق پرداختند از شبهات رستند و به استقامت و ثبوت بر عهد پیوستند." هیکل مبارک "صیام جسمانی" را "رمزی از صیام روحانی" یعنی "کفّ نفس از جمیع شهوات نفسانی و تخلّق به اخلاق روحانی و انجذاب به نفحات رحمانی" توصیف می‌فرمایند. پس در این ایّام مکرّم به آستان مقدّس جمال قدم تضرّع و تبتّل کنید و دعا و مناجات نمایید. باشد که به برکات فداکاری‌‌ و استقامت‌ سازندۀ شما تأییدات و توفیقات جدیدی نصیب جامعۀ اسم اعظم در مهد امر الله گردد. برادران و خواهران روحانی شما در سراسر عالم نیز در این ایّام پربرکت صیام با شما هم‌دل و هم‌رازند و دست نیاز به درگاه حضرت بی‌نیاز بلند کرده فراغت و آسایش شما و دیگر شهروندان رنج‌دیدۀ آن مرز و بوم و هم‌چنین ترقّی و سربلندی آن کشور مقدّس را از آستانش رجا می‌نمایند. این جمع نیز همواره به یاد آن فارسان میدان وفا و عاشقان جمال کبریا و سایر مردم شریف ایران به درگاهش ملتجی و الطافش را ملتمسیم.

بیت العدل اعظم

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...