Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mortal Riches

O Ye That Pride Yourselves On Mortal Riches!
Know ye in truth that wealth is a mighty barrier between the seeker and his desire, the lover and his beloved. The rich, but for a few, shall in no wise attain the court of His presence nor enter the city of content and resignation. Well is it then with him, who, being rich, is not hindered by his riches from the eternal kingdom, nor deprived by them of imperishable dominion.



  1. Bahá’u’lláh, at his dead managed to own couple of mansion and places, later his children, fight over the money and we do well know the stories and events to this day now. Please stop preaching and give some out of you own pocket if you are serious. baha'i is nothing expect money snatching and hush push of facts, basically a social parasite ...

  2. Anonymous, I really like to know where you get your info.
    Because it can not be further from truth.
    After all wasn't He exiled from Iran to ‘Akká as a prisoner?
    If you have some time and like to know the facts, feel free to visit Life of Bahá’u’lláh at

  3. Do you have Behji mansion and Rezvan Gardens of your own? or can you afford to rent some? You are working hard aren't you?

  4. Anonymous, you are not making any sense.
    You have miss understood how "The Bahá'í Fund" works.
    And if you have time and REALLY want to know how the Bahá'ís have managed to purchase and up keep places like "The Mansion of Bahjí" or "The Ridván Garden", and many more for that matter, you can visit "Funds and Contributions, Baha'i by Shoghi Effendi"
    But somehow I think you are upset at something else.

  5. Mehran,

    You act as a real baha'i, you accuse and run, you confiscate part or all of the comment, you are not a honest man that points in you dark
    soul. You are only to defend anything you learned or thought. You hide the truth, twist the facts, misplace the events, ignore the arguments and sentences, make a pingpong all over the place comments, do your best to divert from the main point and come with
    out of contest argument. Congratulation you are a real baha'i, You make too much noise but have nothing to say.

    Never think that baha'i funds is accumulated by little charities,
    paid by little members, BUT, rather, it comes from huge wind-falls via fraud, grave snatching and baha'i tax's and so-forth.

    Don't steal the comments, Do a bit of thinking, and be a honest man and don't accuse people of dishonesty, these are mortal sins
    and stand on the way for you go to heaven or your faith to progress.

    Though you may want to read this new article, There are many people pissed off for many right reasons and they are not IRI
    spys or some ignorant people as you constantly use as escape goat.

    Baha'iat have huge amount of questions and problems that have been ignored for long and it has pilled up more and more to point of explosion.

    for your information, Behji was purchased by frauding people like "Bagherof" and others, (read about golpayegani in russia) should you investigate the truth there are information to be found.

    Don't take everybody as stupid and un-educated tug.

  6. Anonymous, I have posted your comments as they have come in.
    You don't like the answer?
    btw, I am not the one who is "accuse people of dishonesty", please read your own comments. "Baha'iat have huge amount of questions and problems ..." To me, this is a baseless accusation. Provide the proof please. Or yet another accusation by YOU "Never think that baha'i funds is accumulated by little charities,
    paid by little members, BUT, rather, it comes from huge wind-falls via fraud, grave snatching and baha'i tax's and so-forth." So easy to sit behind a computer in Australia and type and make baseless accusations.
    "You hide the truth, twist the facts, misplace the events, ignore the arguments and sentences,...." I let others decide for themselves.

  7. You again, acted a "real" baha'i. Divert the argument, as if, people are MI6 or CIA and to give you proof. Even if they give you proof you will discard, hush-push and call them lies. What people are to do? What they can expect as you are a "real" baha'i, you are not looking for the truth you only want to push your own brain washed ideas.

    I ask you a question, what happened to all the money that was invested in Omana & Nonahalan Baha'i investment funds in iran?

    Do you dare to answer this? It effects many bahaies, Just tell
    us what happened to it? I bet you will find a excuse not to answer
    as you are wana be a showman, want to deceive and playing dum.

    You are a real baha'i sitting in canada, on a made up refugee
    visa as many others like you who are only interested in employment benefits and portent they are doing something ...

    Answer the question, if you don't know ask around.

  8. "what happened to all the money that was invested in Omana & Nonahalan Baha'i investment funds in iran?"
    why don't you ask that question from IRI authorities?
    While you are at it also inquire to what happened to the assets of Baha'is who were kidnapped and secretly executed.
    FYI. I have been here in Canada for 30 years and NEVER got a single cent from the Government. Started from 0 and thanks to Bahá'u'lláh I have done just fine.

  9. Mehran Azizi,

    The problem with you is that you jump of the tangent and go bezerk.

    You never finish any argument, hence you never learn.

    You steal the comments and/or change or confiscate to protect the cult.

    Every body knows that many people got killed, dis-appeared or their belonging torched or get confiscated.

    The question was, what happened to the actual money ?
    Do you thing IRI kept it ?
    Is that what you were told and believed ?

    We will talk about your own "taieds" later, I am sure friends did
    take care of you well, so you did well, for now answer the question and make sure you don't confiscate it.


  10. Here we go, you did again confiscated the comment. This is unheard of and only a "real" baha'i like you can do that and not be ashamed of it.

  11. 1: "The problem with you is that you jump of the tangent and go bezerk." I am just answering your comments, maybe it's you who has problem keeping focus. You know there are Dr.swho can help you.
    2: "You never finish any argument, hence you never learn." Look in the mirror. I am just answering your comments.
    3: "You steal the comments and/or change or confiscate to protect the cult." If you are being "rude" I will NOT post them here. Btw, Baha'i Faith does not need me to protect it.
    4: "The question was, what happened to the actual money ?
    Do you thing IRI kept it ? Is that what you were told and believed ? " You seems to know more so why don't you share it. Somehow I think it will be a similar story you told me on Facebook while back.
    4: "We will talk about your own "taieds" later, I am sure friends did take care of you well,..."
    Another baseless accusation. For someone who talks about "truth" and "facts", you seem to have a hard time providing them. But plenty of name calling and accusations.

  12. 1. The problem is, you can not debate, that is why, you
    keep (steal) the comments, or publish the corrupted version.
    this is very dis-honest and shows the personality and mind-set.
    2. I'm here to finish argument and it is you whom control, which
    comments can and which get confiscated. It again point to a
    mindset. A mindset that although, has lived under the freedom
    of speech society, but still is one-sided and authoritative.

    4&4. I pointed out over and over that you do not do your own
    research and answer everything like a parrot and shallow.
    Baha'ies are very quick to talk about their 12 principals,
    but never go beyond that, or act upon them. That is just a
    front. You personally only have one thing on your position,
    and that is to call anything and anyone who points to facts,
    a lier, and you use smoke and mirrors to attack the
    messenger. Why because, you never think and analyse.

    Only thing you do, call every-one an enemy and mount the
    attack. you pro tenet that you don't know and never seen
    and like the deception to continue.

    You ask for the proof, [ that is very hard to provide] and
    should be given the proof, you discard it. WHY, because,
    you are a parrot and not a thinker and in search of truth.

    HOWEVER, although, hiding and denying, is very much is the
    baha'i way, there are still something that a man with SHAME,
    can not discard. [ I hope you are one ].

    As you may know, the court documents as well as other thing
    in western world a "public" knowledge, and, one, it can not
    be denied and 2 can be searched and authentic.

    I asked a "simple" question, and, it was what happened to the
    money ? It effected many people, and, how it was handled,
    was act of "genocide". It does explain your cult way of life.
    It explain, your "mortal riches" post. It explain garden
    buildings. It explain baha'i tourism industry. It explain
    using of human beings and betrayals. it explains filt that
    is suger coated, under pre-text of "peace & unity".

    Did you know, that, the companies, I mentioned were, American
    registered companies, years ago ?

    Did you know the matter gone to court and IRI, paid ?

    Did you know who got the money ?

    Do you know where these are now? and they laughing ?

    A friends, mentioned, once, saw them drunk on the beach ...

    I only can spoon feed, so much. People, are know educated,
    and can search.

    Please look at the following link, and I think, you can,
    search and dig more your self.

    transcripts of US iran tribunal

    Hauges international court do not lie

    Check page 316, check and read for yourself, and you may want, to check with your, cults, command and control center.

    Be-careful not to get attacked, by their, knife squad or have a
    car crash or heart attack. as much as, I find you annoying,
    I don't want to see you be a CB or hurt.

    Mr Azizi, there are many many documents, and, we all seen the corruption and deceptions. You were duped. But, you may still have
    some shames. 75 mil + interest years back ?!?

  13. Hauge year book, iran-united state claims tribunal do not lie and is not against your cult. Hauge is the international court.
    You cult is corrupt and does shaft anybody it can. this is not a base less accusations. Many people got and getting shafted, be very careful. the ones whom search do find.

  14. should you decide not to publish it is okay by us.
    however, you should tell us, if the Huages transcripts
    in your opinion are also lies ? please take your time,
    do investigation of truth, and apply justice and equity
    before commenting.

  15. Mr Azizi, it is quite didturbing to see, as you have been given un-disreputable proof, you have decided to take vow of silence. this vow of silence as well as calling honest truth seeking people of the world liers and spies, is exactly what every body complain about your cult. Don't you have shame?

  16. “1. The problem is, you can not debate, that is why, you keep (steal) the comments, or publish the corrupted version… ‘
    How so? Whatever you have written is here. However when insult The Faith don’t ecpect me to publish them. For that open your own weblog.
    “4&4. I pointed out over and over that you do not do your own research and answer everything like a parrot and shallow. “
    You asked a question and I answered it. You don’t have any more accusations?
    “Only thing you do, call every-one an enemy and mount the attack.”
    Funny, … go and read your own comments.

    “You ask for the proof, [ that is very hard to provide] “
    So you go on and on making accusations that you can NOT back up. Last time I looked in order to prove anything one NEEDS to back it up with PROOFS. Unless in your circle anything goes.
    “HOWEVER, although, hiding and denying, is very much is the baha'i way,…”
    Hiding? I am here with my name and you like a coward hid behind “Anonymous” and mount attacks and accusations that you can NOT support.
    “I asked a "simple" question, and, it was what happened to the money …”
    And I gave you a simple answer and ASKED you a question. However, you have none.
    So strange, … when you ask a question, it’s a crime when the answer is delayed, but when you have to answer, it’s another story.
    “ It effected many people, and, how it was handled, was act of "genocide".
    How so? Please explain.
    “It does explain your cult way of life.”
    You can try to belittle The Faith of Bahaullah, and call it names. But it goes to show what you are.
    “It does explain your cult way of life. It explain, your "mortal riches" post. It explain garden
    buildings. It explain baha'i tourism industry….”
    Again you missed the point. It goes to show how UNITED the Baha’is are, that when The Center of their Faith asks for something, we all arise to meet that challenge. You also missed the significance of those Buildings.
    “Did you know the matter gone to court and IRI, paid ?”
    Paid? IRI has been taking all these years. Are you that ignorant to think that IRI will pay Baha’is?
    If so, that explains a lot.
    “A friends, mentioned, once, saw them drunk on the beach ...”
    Which beach? I like to go and visit them. By the way I love to talk to your “friend”. Let me guess his name is “Anonymous” too.
    “Hauges international court do not lie “
    No, but what does have to do with Bahá’í Faith? Just because Sabets were / are Baha’is, that makes The Bahá’í Faith bad? If so, then according to you, in North America, all blacks are pimps, all native Indians are drunk, all Orientals are in gangs, all Central Americans are drug dealers.
    Way to go. Great thinking.
    As for the 2nd link, it’s useless.
    “Be-careful not to get attacked, by their, knife squad or have a car crash or heart attack. as much as, I find you annoying, I don't want to see you be a CB or hurt. “
    Is this a “threat”? How “low” can one get? Bring it on.
    “Mr Azizi, there are many many documents, and, we all seen the corruption and deceptions..”
    Dear “Anonymous”, here is a suggestion. Open a weblog, scan all these documents and post them there. Let me know and I’ll come and read them. We can carry this conversation there.

  17. "should you decide not to publish it is okay by us. however, you should tell us,..."

    Btw. may I ask who is this "us"?

  18. "Mr Azizi, it is quite didturbing to see, as you have been given un-disreputable proof, you have decided to take vow of silence...."

    I said this before, I say it again "Patience is a good virtue".

  19. I consider it my duty to warn every beginner in the Faith that the promised glories of the Sovereignty which the Bahá’í teachings foreshadow, can be revealed only in the fullness of time, that the implications of the Aqdas and the Will of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as the twin repositories of the constituent elements of that Sovereignty, are too far-reaching for this generation to grasp and fully appreciate.
    Shoghi Effendi,

  20. Yes, I can live by law of Aqdas. I have no problem to punish whom, burn the
    house, or, marking the thieves. But, I have huge problem with ones whom, are under shadow of Aqdas, them-seleves, are whom that do burn the houses to claim insurance and steal from everybody, claim bankruptcy, fix up loans for their own mortal riches and get everybody to their home, to pray with funny voices, and get justified and praised by Aqdas establishment. Wakeup people, whom who preach lack integrity more than anyone else. We do know them for whom they are and their ways!.

  21. Faraz,
    You and Anonymous are the only "perfect" people that I know besides Abdul Baha.
    You guys are so perfect in all, one might mistaken you for God Himself. So all day you look at people and see what's wrong with them? After all you don't need to look at yourself!!! cause you are perfect.
    If you "can live by law of Aqdas", why don't you READ it 1st. Or maybe "bring yourself to account everyday".... Oh, sorry, my bad, you do "bring yourself to account everyday", since you are perfect all is fine.
    I am sure you know "Mirza Muhammad-’Ali " made the same claim.
    So when you say "We do know them for whom they are and their ways!. " you mean you and Anonymous?

  22. For those who need to investigate, baha was a real grave snatcher.
    He had huge amount of money coming to him and had a lavish life.
    After his dead we all know stories of how his sons behaved over
    the money and we well know his relationship with his own younger
    brother. You may like to read over this link:

    1. For those who have already investigated, will see your comment is full of misrepresentation.

      How does one recognize a tree? By its fruit.
      Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

      As for the link ...... one look at the name of the site says it all.
      Here is what really happened;

    2. How does one recognize a tree? By its fruit.
      Could not agree with this comment more.
      But does it related and applied to Baha's family too ?
      if it does you said it all! he had 3 or more wives and
      at-least 4 sons right ?

      for give me, I do not have any prejudice, but I am very much still need to understand if he was really exiled and prison-ed for 40 years, where the money came from to buy the places with?

      Talks are cheap, fairy tales are for kids, and people
      who do not know anything do believe everything, but honestly these stories does not add up as it never did.

      You talk about mortal riches, but avoid the question where the money came from to buy the places and keep a large family.

      I went through your links, but it does not tell me anything. Point is, there are so much piled up questions that never got answered as they get avoided to a point
      that collapsed everybody trust and judgement.

      There are so much corruption and lose end in Baha'i establishment that make one wonder, as if devil himself reciting the scriptures.

      The man got so rich and it was serving him fine to talk about mortal riches, as all do! after all it was not
      them who got prosecuted their dispels may did.

    3. You may draw your own conclusion.
      However one look at Bahá’u’lláh's (not Baha)and "The Covenant", make my point clear to whomever that wants to listen. somehow I think that does not include you and the rest of your friends in Australia.

      As for you not having "any prejudice", then you should have known that Bahai's made and still continue to make contributions. If, as you claim, have read my links, you would have found your answer in God Passes By.
      I must admit you read really fast.

      I find it most interesting, you and your friends think ALL Baha'is must be poor and ignorant. And if the they are educated and well to do, then they must have done something wrong. It just bewilders me how you came to such conclusion.

      "There are so much corruption and lose end ....".
      You have already answered your own comment earlier "Talks are cheap, fairy tales are for kids".

      Go and read something useful.


The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...