Monday, April 10, 2023

دعای مخصوص رهائی مسجونین بهائی از زندان


Prayer for the Release of the Baha'i Prisoners 

. إنّهُ لَهُوَالمُقتدِرُ المُختار يا مالِکَ الأسْـماء و فاطِـرَ السّـماء خَلِّصْ أَحِبّاء مِنْ سِـجنِ أَعـداء اِنَّکَ سلطانَُ القَضـاء و المُشرقُ مِن اُفُقِ البَـداء يا اَصلَ البَقـاء لَعَمرُ البَهاء لا تَقطَعُ الرِّجـاء فَانصُر هـؤلاء اَنتَ الحاکِمُ عَلی ما تَشاء و فِی قَبضَـتِکَ مَلَکوتُِ الإنشاء قَـد شُحِذَ الاَنيابَ لِلَحْمِ الاَحبابْ اَنَ احْفَظِ الأصحابَ يا مالِکَ الـرِّقابِ و الحاکِمُ فِی المَآبِ .

 مضمون فارسی: 

بدرستی که او مقتدر و دارای اختیار است. ای مالک اسمها و ای گشاینده آسمانها، احبا را از زندان دشمنان رهایی بخش. براستی که تو سلطان قضا هستی و از افق حکم الهی اشراق نموده ای. ای اصل (ریشه) بقا، قسم به جان بهاء که رجا قطع نمیشود. پس اینان را یاری نما. تو حاکم هستی بر هر آنچه که بخواهی و ملکوتِ عالمِ آفرینش در زمام قدرت تو است. به درستی که دندانها برای گوشت احبّا، تیز شده است. احبّایت را حفظ کن ای مالک گردنها و ای کسی که در یوم آخرت، حکم کننده هستی.

تفسیر حضرت عبدالبها درباره ی عید پاک و قیام حضرت مسیح بعد از سه روز


عید پاک که از اعتقاد به رستاخیز و قیام مجدد حضرت مسیح پس از به صلیب کشیده شدن نشات می گیرد، یکی از بزرگترین اعیاد مسیحیان است. این برنامه شامل توضیحات مختصری در معرفی این عید به علاوه تفسیر حضرت عبدالبها در مورد مفهوم قیام حضرت عیسی مسیح بعد از سه روز است

Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Universal House of Justice "A UNIQUE INSTITUTION"


 The elected members of the Universal House of Justice are described in the Bahá’í Sacred Writings as the “Trustees of God among His servants and the daysprings of authority in His countries”,as the “Men of Justice”, the “Deputies of God”, the “Trustees of the All-Merciful.” They must be “shepherds unto His sheep”, protecting and preserving the unity and well-being of Bahá’u’lláh’s followers, as well as “manifestations of the fear of God and daysprings of knowledge and understanding”,“steadfast in God’s faith and the well-wishers of all mankind.”

The Universal House of Justice is charged with the affairs of the people. It must apply the Bahá’í teachings to “the training of peoples, the upbuilding of nations, the protection of man and the safeguarding of his honor.” It must have the utmost regard for the interests of the people at all times and under all conditions, and ensure the protection and safeguarding of men, women and children.

The promotion of peace in the world is also among the responsibilities of the Universal House of Justice, “so that the people of the earth may be relieved from the burden of exorbitant expenditures.” Its members must additionally “endeavor to the utmost of their power to safeguard” the position of religion, “promote its interests” and “exalt its station in the eyes of the world.”

Since “change is a necessary quality and an essential attribute of this world, and of time and place”, Bahá’u’lláh has invested the members of the Universal House of Justice with the authority to consider matters that He did not specifically deal with in His own Writings and “enforce that which is agreeable to them.”

“Inasmuch as for each day there is a new problem and for every problem an expedient solution,” wrote Bahá’u’lláh, “such affairs should be referred to the Ministers of the House of Justice that they may act according to the needs and requirements of the time.”
The Bahá’í Sacred Writings give the guarantee that the Universal House of Justice will take decisions and establish laws through the “inspiration and confirmation of the Holy Spirit”. For Bahá’ís, “obedience to its decisions is a bounden and essential duty and an absolute obligation”.



The Bahá’í calendar, known as the Badí‘ calendar, was introduced by the Báb. Bahá’u’lláh confirmed and adopted this calendar, fixing its commencement at the year of the Báb’s declaration in 1844.
 In a message regarding the universal implementation of the Badí‘ calendar, the Universal House of Justice states:

 “The adoption of a new calendar in each dispensation is a symbol of the power of Divine Revelation to reshape human perception of material, social, and spiritual reality. Through it, sacred moments are distinguished, humanity’s place in time and space reimagined, and the rhythm of life recast.”

 As the Bahá’í Era (designated B.E.) was inaugurated by twin Founders, the Bahá’í Holy Days include events related to the birth, declaration, and passing of both Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb.
 This calendar consists of 19 months of 19 days each, with the addition of intercalary days known as Ayyám-i-Há. The number of these intercalary days varies according to the timing of the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere in successive years.
 The Báb named each of the 19 months, listed below, after certain attributes of God. The Bahá’í New Year (Naw-Rúz) is astronomically fixed, coinciding with the vernal equinox. Holy Days are fixed within the solar calendar, except for the observance of the Festival of the Twin Birthdays—the Birth of the Báb and the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh—which moves year to year, taking place on the first and the second day following the occurrence of the eighth new moon after Naw-Rúz.


Friday, April 7, 2023

"What is the object of life to a Bahá'í?"

The other day a man asked Shoghi Effendi: "What is the object of life to a Bahá'í?" As the Guardian repeated his answer to me (I had not been present with the visitor), indeed, before he did, I wondered in my own mind what it had been. Had he told the man that to us the object of life is to know God, or perfect our own character? I never really dreamed of the answer he had given, which was this: the object of life to a Bahá'í is to promote the oneness of mankind. The whole object of our lives is bound up with the lives of all human beings: not a personal salvation we are seeking, but a universal one. We are not to cast eyes within ourselves and say "Now get busy saving your soul and reserving a comfortable berth in the Next World!" No, we are to get busy on bringing Heaven to the Planet. That is a very big concept. The Guardian then went on to explain that our aim is to produce a world civilization which will in turn react on the character of the individual. It is, in a way, the inverse of Christianity which started with the individual unit and through it reach out to the conglomerate life of men.
This does not mean we must neglect to prune our personalities and weed out our faults and weaknesses. But it does mean we have to do a lot of radiating out to others of what we know to be true through the study of Bahá'u'lláh's teachings.

Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum

Story of The Tablet of Ahmad


The Tablet of Ahmad (or Lawh-i-Ahmad) is a tablet written by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, while he was in Adrianople. While the exact date is not known, the Tablet is believed to have been written in 1865 to a Bahá'í from Yazd, Iran, named Ahmad.Baháʼís often recite it as a prayer to dispel afflictions and inspire perseverance in the face of hardships. In a letter written on his behalf, Shoghi Effendi

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...