Thursday, March 14, 2013

To Ali

۱. اینجا این اتفاق افتاد که، شما کامنت من را منتشر نکردید و این خودش یک اخلاق کالّتی و فاشیستی است و کاملا جدا از این که شما انتشار را کنترل می‌کنید، بلکه نشون میده کی‌ خودتون هم به آزادی بیان اعتقادی ندارید.

Would you like to comment why you lie when all your comments are published?
Just like your Arbabs, you have tried to poison people's mind and failed.
How low can one get? Only you and you like can tell.


  1. Any body that looks at the sequence of comments, can see
    that you are a plan charlatan Mr Mehran Azizi!.

    You have done the controlling again an he is not happy about it and has left.

    I can see here you have lost the argument and hence played your usual "cultic tricks".

    In future please do not get me envolve when shit hit the fan with some-boy else.

    Further all your posts, are plain rubbish and does not have any content and is only serves as a "spider web"
    for you to trap un-suspecting individuals.

    Regarding your dudggy screen shots does not "prove anything", you can manipulate them anytime.

    If you really were sincere on what you have to say there was no need to control and monitor the comments
    any way. You monitor and control because you have reason to hide the truth.

    Should you really have something to say or want to debate, go and get your top-guns and bring them over, why do you constantly play hide and seek game and like to play the game on your own court [i.e control the comments and kick people out were they don't give you favor-able comments].

  2. I have put all the "comments" or shall I say garbage Ali sent.
    But like you, he tried to spread poison by accusing me of not posting them.
    There are many comments from you that I choose not to publish, mainly because you keep repeating your baseless accusation.
    Many a time I have suggested to to open your own blog and post whatever your heart desires.

  3. I am not here to explain the wind for you and your audience, as whom, who
    have half brain can see your tricks and lies. beside from looking the sequence of comments that very clearly shows your shame-less corruption.
    one only need to look at the screen shot that you have provided to clearly see you for whom you cultist really are!. Ali's comments was in "Persian", but, screen shot what you have provide as proof is in "english"!. Really whom you are trying to kid. are you really think people all are half-wits, with hay as brain ? who is poisoning people thoughts? further thanks for eventually admitting you were stealing my comments too!

    As a credit to Ali, he did asked a very short but crucial question that you avoided to answer. as a matter of fact this all you "cultist" do, and that is avoid the question, shoot the messenger, creating an environment to conceal the truth and attack the opponent. You guys ignoring and delete any question that you and whole you organizations does have no answer for, and if you try to answer it does expose you more.

    "what the hell what the other 8 were doing ?"

    After all we now know that people like Fazlolah Motahedi "Sobhi" did really had a point an told the truth, and process paid for their
    honesty and purity of heart. You cultists put dirt on anybody whom talk about reality ...

  4. "what the hell what the other 8 were doing ?"
    You must have selective reading. Ali accused someone on the NSA to be to be "corrupt", but just like you, when repeatedly asked to prove, came empty handed.
    Are individual Baha'is perfect? NO, I am 1st to stand up and say that.
    You , Ali and your like are looking at individuals and pointing to their imperfections and saying therefore The Baha'i Faith is this or that.
    Of course you and Ali, are so "PERFECT" in every way,.... After all I did show how you are the master of poisoning minds.
    Again and again you have failed to read my comments. Here is one:
    March 3, 2013 at 9:23 AM
    Also if your assumption and way of thinking is correct, then all the black people are pimps, all natives in North America and drunk, all Orientals are in gangs and ALL Iranians like yourself are cheap accusers and great misleader who are great at twisting subjects to use it for their own benefits.
    Thank God your way of thinking is not the norm.

  5. well the question did not get answered, you did not have one.
    I had a quick look on this holy holly dolly NSA member and do know what other 8 were doing, as you do very well.
    You are waiting for the tide to change and continue the family business,
    who knows you may do well with you spider web too!.

    I remember on other posts, as usual you called people lair and cheats,
    but should you really would have let your finger do a 2 minute walking
    you would have find the "proof" yourself. But why should you, it pays
    to play, as it works better in cannibalism and spider webbing.

    I am not the IRI, savak, MI6 or CIA, but there is internet that public information can be accessed.

    please have look here :

    I personally do very seen baha'i corruptions and how the system works, and, know that you know well too, the difference is that it pays for you
    to do maleh-keshi ...

    Regarding the rest of your post, nobody is prefect and that is given, but these holy dolly people of your should have been at-least normal.

    I am not prefect, north Americans and blacks are not prefect, but they are not preaching others to shaft them either, or do they ?

    1. The question got answered but you choose to ignore it.

      "You are waiting for the tide to change and continue the family business, who knows you may do well with you spider web too!.
      I remember on other posts, as usual you called people lair and cheats, ..."
      Are you talking about yourself here? Who is making accusation from day one when you got here?

      As for "hormoz sabet", don't know him and son't really care since unlike you, I don't at individuals, but rather at The Baha'i Faith itself.
      When I teach the Faith, I don't tell or encourage people to "look at me", but rather look at the Teachings and decise for themselves.

      Lastly, your last paragraph answers your own comment.

  6. I am not the IRI, savak, MI6 or CIA, ...

    Last time I asked you what "you" believe in? you wiggled your way out of it and then accused me of messing with your posts, which in turn I showed you were poisoning peoples mind.

    Now let me put it in simple English, lets say, as you have tried to prove and failed miserably, The Baha'i Faith is "bad", ..... What alternative do you suggest?
    Where can / does an individual turns to get one's questions answered?
    Where / whom do you turn to seek guidance from?
    Do you believe in " Creator / God"?

    When I need answers, to my questions such as, who am I? what am I? What is the purpose of this physical world? what happens when I die? And many many more, where can I turn?

    From your comments, it seems you have the answers, hence all you have time for is to try to find and point that individual baha'is are not perfect.
    "I am eagerly am waiting, for your response."


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