Monday, September 2, 2024

Global Prosperity


Resolving deep-rooted differences in society requires the patience to bring about profound social change through the application of moral and spiritual principles. It calls for sustained and sacrificial exertion. The Nine Year Plan in which the Bahá’í world is now engaged is designed to meet this need. In this year’s Riḍván message, the House of Justice refers to the prosecution of the Plan as “the means by which long-term, constructive processes, unfolding over generations, are being set in motion in every society.” Notwithstanding the scale of the challenge involved in realizing this aim, Bahá’ís would be failing in their duty before Bahá’u’lláh to attempt anything less. As the House of Justice stated in its Riḍván 2015 message, “it is systematic, determined, and selfless action undertaken within the wide embrace of the Plan’s framework that is the most constructive response of every concerned believer to the multiplying ills of a disordered society.”

26 May 2024
To the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

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