Friday, September 6, 2024

Global Prosperity


These words of Bahá’u’lláh are of particular relevance to any Bahá’í youth being questioned about their own response to the suffering caused by conflicts in the world. The House of Justice has often celebrated the extraordinary commitment being shown by Bahá’í youth across the world who are proffering the divine remedy that, ultimately, is humanity’s only hope. In its Riḍván message this year, the House of Justice testifies to “how much vibrancy and strength is generated in any society by its youth being awakened to the vision of Bahá’u’lláh and becoming protagonists of the Plan”. And it calls for “a sustained, rapid rise in the number of those committing their time, their energy, their concentration to the success of this work.” The efforts of today’s young believers, undertaken in the company of many like-minded friends, are of course a continuation of the efforts that have been made through the decades by the followers of the Blessed Beauty, youth and adults alike, who have been inspired by His vision of a united world. These are efforts which have required courage, as well as sacrifice.
In His second Tablet to the Hague, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá describes the supreme sacrifices made by so many Bahá’ís for the cause of universal peace: “As ye have no doubt heard, in Persia thousands of souls have offered up their lives in this path, and thousands of homes have been laid waste. Despite this, we have in no wise relented, but have continued to endeavour unto this very moment and are increasing our efforts as day followeth day, because our desire for peace is not derived merely from the intellect: It is a matter of religious belief and one of the eternal foundations of the Faith of God.”

26 May 2024
To the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

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