Thursday, December 13, 2012

Community of the Most Great Name

Conscious of their high calling, confident in the society-building power which their Faith possesses, they press forward, undeterred and undismayed, in their efforts to fashion and perfect the necessary instruments wherein the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh can mature and develop. It is this building process, slow and unobtrusive, to which the life of the world-wide Bahá’í Community is wholly consecrated, that constitutes the one hope of a stricken society. For this process is actuated by the generating influence of God’s changeless Purpose, and is evolving within the framework of the Administrative Order of His Faith.
 In a world the structure of whose political and social institutions is impaired, whose vision is befogged, whose conscience is bewildered, whose religious systems have become anemic and lost their virtue, this healing Agency, this leavening Power, this cementing Force, intensely alive and all-pervasive, has been taking shape, is crystallizing into institutions, is mobilizing its forces, and is preparing for the spiritual conquest and the complete redemption of mankind. Though the society which incarnates its ideals be small, and its direct and tangible benefits as yet inconsiderable, yet the potentialities with which it has been endowed, and through which it is destined to regenerate the individual and rebuild a broken world, are incalculable.

Shoghi Effendi "The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh"


  1. Well good luck, 160 years and no progress, every body left, and you can call them cove-net breakers and they call you Jasoos. You have no sense of logic or free thinking just want to abuse who ever ask questions or do not agree with you that make the issue worse, as they more and more get convinced that you are a pay-rolled spy

  2. 160 years and no progress !!!
    If one looks at where and under what circumstances The Baha'i Faith was born, (in the ciah chal of Tehran, and the early history of The Faith, an prejudiced person will see "the progress".
    Only those who are so warped in hatred and vain imaginings make such comments.
    As for your "spy" comment, that's an old story for mullahs and mullah lovers. Your comments are more suitable for IRI websites where you are welcome with open arms and the rewards are very good. So don't waist your tome here.

  3. We did not have any "covenet" with no-one except god him-self. Unlike you that have created a "human-god" and worship and promote
    it. We are god worshipers and do not worship humans as gods. [i.e baha etc ...]. Your link with intelligent agency and free-masonary
    lodges are well known, stop your association with these "cults" and
    you may be saved and forgiven by real god.

  4. Anonymous,
    I have put some questions to when you have an answer, then and only then I'll post your .... comment.

  5. You do not have any answers, That is why you hit around the bush,
    and practice the vow of silence, poisoning the well, distract your
    opponent, drop irrelevant arguments etc etc ...

    Exactly as how you have been trained with your mason/english/Israelite masters.

    You, just ask for money from simple people, and send it to free-masons in England to build garden so you show the pictures and
    impress those simple peoples for more money. Now you have find
    people in Amazon as in the rest of the world every body knows you.

    Next time you go to baha'i places and see it empty, and when you
    call people to come and they make excuses and avoid your cult and/or critisis. You should ask your-self it is not them but it
    is your "cult" that has failed them badly. All the things that is
    done from the top is now paying off. Your "cult" has milked it enough and justified them-selves so much that nobody believe a single word coming out of your establishment.

    You keep jump around and piss on people as you are used to. We put
    our argument on the web and you use the pictures, colors, self justifications, dis-honstly, lies and propaganda and we see who
    will pro-vile. So far time has been a good judge on our side and
    there is a internet that we can post. The time that you throw people on the river and send some one to kill or threaten them has passed. You should repent and side with light and not the evil.

    1. Thanks for yet another ... comment.
      Would you be kind enough to explain this part of your comment?"You, just ask for money from simple people, and send it to free-masons in England to build garden..."

  6. So if I understand your comment correctly, you are in direct contact with "God", "The All Mighty", ....
    So does he tell you what to do on daily bases or weekly?
    And to day he told you to fire up your computer, open your web browser, click on your bookmark and go to
    Then he told you to bad mouth, twist and misrepresent the facts.
    And this is how you want to attract people?
    What on earth does "Your link with intelligent agency and free-masonary lodges ..." this mean?
    Also you mentioned "stop your association with these "cults" and you may be saved and forgiven by real god." Can you please tell me how you found this real god of yours and direct me to him?

  7. OH please, for the god sake, STOP, poisoning the well and play dumb. No body is in direct contact with god, should anybody say that he/she need his head checked. [I'm sure you may be claim that though!].

    This is not related to our discussion here, but you may like to check this link. Should you choose to read it, make sure you read the comment section where "abdulla shahbazi" goes through the history on your cult. He explains the baha'i prognostication and why baha'i institution like it too. He very rightly points out that, they are poor,old and van-our-able get sacrificed and get
    done, for your agents to get sampthy and mean to survive. Should you want more resources read on "shikh wahid azal" an ex-baha'i,
    that investigated your "cult" and is quite spot on.

    1. You said "We did not have any "covenet" with no-one except god him-self. Unlike you that have created a "human-god" and worship and promote it. We are god worshipers and do not worship humans as gods."
      If that is not in direct contact with "God", I don't know what it is. So how does God talk to you? How does God speak to you?
      As for Mr. shahbazi's comments, he is certainly welcome to his opinion, but I do not agree with his. He is yet another mulla lover like you.

      Now here is something for you,

      "Any belief system with 5 million followers that professes to be the preeminent, universal religion for all time invites close scrutiny of its claims. This is precisely what the Baha'i faith declares. In just 150 years Baha'is have grown to more than 5 million worldwide in 233 countries and territories, with 1,700 Spiritual Assemblies in the United States alone.(1) Baha'u'llah's writings (the founder of the Baha'i Faith) have been translated into 802 languages.(2) Under friendly evangelistic strategies new growth is occurring at the rate of 5.5% a year worldwide.(3) By comparison, Christianity is expanding at a rate of 2.3% a year worldwide.

      Perhaps no worldview is better suited to the tenor of our time. Leo Tolstoy described the Baha'i Faith as "the highest and purest form of religious teaching."(4) Arnold Toynbee predicted that it will be "the world religion of the future."(5) Then, J. K. Van Baalen has stated, the Baha'i Faith "is the unifying cult par excellence."(6) This is because its basic principles have an appeal to all people: "The Oneness of God and the Oneness of Religion; the Oneness of Humanity; Independent Investigation of Truth; Abolition of all Forms of Prejudice; Universal Peace; Universal Auxiliary Language; Universal Education; Equality for the Sexes; Spiritual Solution to Economic Problems; Religion Consistent with Science."(7) Who would not desire to live in a world governed by these principles?
      A Closer Look at Baha'i
      Rev. Bob Pardon
      Like to hear back from you.

  8. Also take a look at what Edward Granville Browne a British Orientalist, wrote.
    I think your hate, envy, jealousy, .... have blinded you.

  9. For the 10th time I do not have direct contact with god and do not believe in your human-god [i.e baha], I don't think even baha had that claim! May be you think Baha was god I don't

    Regarding your marketing cut and paste stuff, so what?
    Regarding your progress please search for "mojan moomen" your own guy, on his article regarding the quoting baha'i numbers. In either case compering the baha'i growth with something like moorman's or ahmadiyeh sect is not even comes to consideration.

    Regarding Edward Brown, he was symptomatic to babis and also azalies (bayanies) and quite aggressive to-ward bahaies. please do not mix up. You want to see a real CB, who is backing babi's and bags baha'ies search for "Wahid Azal". I am sure you two make a good match.

    1. So dose / can?
      How can we, as mankind, know what God'd purpose for us is?
      Can any one of those groups that mentioned, rival what The Baha'i Faith have to offer?
      I know I am asking the wrong guy.
      In regards to "Wahid Azal", don't know him don't want to know him.


The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...