Sunday, December 23, 2012

The conditions of existence ...

Know that the conditions of existence are limited to the conditions of servitude, of prophethood and of Deity, but the divine and the contingent perfections are unlimited. When you reflect deeply, you discover that also outwardly the perfections of existence are also unlimited, for you cannot find a being so perfect that you cannot imagine a superior one. For example, you cannot see a ruby in the mineral kingdom, a rose in the vegetable kingdom, or a nightingale in the animal kingdom, without imagining that there might be better specimens. As the divine bounties are endless, so human perfections are endless.
If it were possible to reach a limit of perfection, then one of the realities of the beings might reach the condition of being independent of God, and the contingent might attain to the condition of the absolute. But for every being there is a point which it cannot overpass -- that is to say, he who is in the condition of servitude, however far he may progress in gaining limitless perfections, will never reach the condition of Deity.

Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions


  1. By the way I do not agree with prophethood part of it.

  2. You stole the last comment here too. it is just pathetic how many times I need to say do not do this. it is utter form of dis-honsty to your aduince. you take a cow to stable once and he learns, what is wrong with you ?

    1. Now you really need to watch what you say.
      Your so called comments come in and all I do PRESS "publish".
      Your CHEAP accusations are so vain.
      I will take photo and publish it.

    2. You are NOT worth my time any more.

    3. Check your spam or delete boxes. also check with google may be you are missing them.

    4. Sure, YOU are the only "right" person.

    5. Typical of you and your like, when caught, bad mouth, belittle, (فحش و فوحشکاری و بدبیرا ).
      For the past year ALL your comments have been coming to my inbox, NOW they might be in my spam box?
      I tell you from now on they will be.
      For past year all you have proven is, you know how to accuse, bad mouth and belittle.


The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

The call of the Kingdom has been sounded, and the annunciation of the world’s need for Universal Peace has enlightened the world’s conscienc...