Sunday, December 16, 2012

The light of the sun ...

The light of the sun becomes apparent in each object according to the capacity of that object. The difference is simply one of degree and receptivity. The stone would be a recipient only to a limited extent; another created thing might be as a mirror wherein the sun is fully reflected; but the same light shines upon both. The most important thing is to polish the mirrors of hearts in order that they may become illumined and receptive of the divine light. One heart may possess the capacity of the polished mirror; another be covered and obscured by the dust and dross of this world. Although the same Sun is shining upon both, in the mirror which is polished, pure and sanctified you may behold the Sun in all its fullness, glory and power revealing its majesty and effulgence, but in the mirror which is rusted and obscured there is no capacity for reflection although so far as the Sun itself is concerned it is shining thereon and is neither lessened nor deprived. Therefore our duty lies in seeking to polish the mirrors of our hearts in order that we shall become reflectors of that light and recipients of the divine bounties which may be fully revealed through them.

 ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá


  1. این تکنیک جای خالی منطق و تحلیل را بخوبی پر میکند. اصلا منطق و تحلیل بر گور پدرشان بخندند اگر بخواهند جای خودشان را به این خوبی پر کنند!
    روی کیبرد کامپیوترت دو کلید تعبیه شده که یاران دیرنند و همسفران راستین وادی بهایی ستیزی. نام یکی کپی و دیگری پیست است. یکی ممد حیاتشان است و دومی مفرح ذات. پس تو هم بکوش که در استفاده از این دو کلید نابغه دهر شوی و استاد قدر گردی و گوی سبقت از همگنان بربایی.
    از خودت ناامید نشو، بنویس و مطمئن باش تا نفت هست تو حقوقت سر جاشه.

    1. ز خودت ناامید نشو، بنویس و مطمئن باش تا نفت هست تو حقوقت سر جاشه.
      Would you be kind enough to explain what " نفت" has to do with anything?
      As for your "copy and paste" comment, this web log is about "Quotes from Baha'i Writings that touch my heart."
      Yet another example to show you NEED to read people's comment so you don't make a fool out of yourself with your comments.


The call of the Kingdom has been sounded,

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